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英語家教 如何學英文會話 成人美語補習班 dark lightning中文意思是什麼

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dark lightning中文意思是什麼

dark lightning解釋


  • dark: adj 1 暗,暗黑的;微暗的,陰沉的。2 淺黑的,(皮膚)帶黑色的;深,濃(色)。3 秘密的,隱秘的。4 ...
  • lightning: n. 1. 閃電,電光。2. 意外的幸運。3. 〈美俚〉劣等威士忌酒。vi. 閃電。

師大語言中心西班牙文 英檢初級成績 英文輕鬆學
  • Acclimation of lamina mass per unit area, photosynthetic characteristics and dark respiration to growth light regimes in four tropical rainforest species 英檢報名 小朋友學英文 網路教學課程

  • Noon on april 10 , 1820. dark clouds covered the sun. suddenly , the clouds burst and rain poured down out of the heavens. thunder and lightning filled the sky. pedestrians scattered , seeking shelter

  • While the high templar unleash fire and lightning, the dark templar stalk the shadows, swathed in darkness

  • A lightning struck to the desert from the dark sky. a rare rain come to the desert

  • A son of the building lord, compare to dark win the lightning flash of stab the night sky of 裂, compare to the sunlight of tear off the dark cloud again, let for an instant i if drink the sweet dew, let i understood the truth of the eternity is what reality exist in the world here


    dark library, dark licorice pastilles, dark lightening, dark limb, dark line, dark phase contrast

    dark lightning中文意思是什麼
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