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賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說 開箱文

賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說2015春新款圖書年前上架,小時代文青一致推薦!各類書一站購齊!看過賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說才知道,原來世界那麼大!全新 館長推薦品牌賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說或許沒有一個很有吸引力的話題,造成大家好像比較陌生! 但是 賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說曾在富邦momo購物網圖書產品類造成搶購熱潮,成為當下網友們的最愛。賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說到貨的速度還滿快的,一拿到之後我覺得算是真材實料、物超所值拉!。商品網址如下:賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說


商品網址: 熱搜主題http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=1024387&memid=6000007496&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league

賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說早就是暢銷的明星商品,還沒有用過的這邊介紹一下,賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說吸引我的最大因素,除了好用之外,我覺得它的CP值高到破錶了呀! 賽夏族:巴斯達隘傳說更多詳細的資訊這邊請:


商品訊息描述: 誰說有文字的民族才留得住故事,原住民用情感、用口傳、用舞蹈,用生命寫台灣歷史!推開賽夏族神話與傳說秘境大門,將發現:


The Prophecy of the Great Storm

The Saisiat Tribe has thrived for generations thanks to the advice of an old white-haired man and a brother and sister holding on to a loom while floating about in a great flood. The spirits of oppehnaboon and mayanaboon live on today in the two mountains Da Ba Jian Mountain and Shiao Ba Jian Mountain. To this day these mountains remain the protectors of the Saisiat Tribe.


The Lightning Woman’s Visit to the Saisiat

The lightning spirit, biwa, could not bear to see the people of the Saisiat Tribe suffering so much in the toils of their daily work. She sent her daughter waaung to the world of humans. waaung carried millet seeds with her to share with Saisiat. Millet later became the prized staple of the Saisiat people. During this time waaung met and betrothed the young Saisiat man, tain. waaung not only helped tain’s family to make a living, she also helped tain’s father regain his sight. In their ceremonies today the people of the Saisiat Tribe still honor the lightning spirit, biwa, and her spirit daughter, waaung.


pas-taai: Legend of the Little People

The “taai”, or the “Little People” were highly respected by the Saisiat. From the taai the Saisiat learned horticulture. However, the taai sometimes caused trouble and took advantage of the Saisiat women. The Saisiat’s respect for the taai turned to resentment. When the Saisiat could no longer bear the humiliation they laid a trap that killed nearly all of the taai. The last of the taai then cast a spell on the Saisiat. Only those Saisiat who learned the traditional songs and dances of the taai would enjoy peace and good harvests. These songs and dances are known as the “pas-taai” and became part of the peace ceremony when the Saisiat and other tribes settled their disputes.





商品網址: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=1024387&memid=6000007496&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league









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