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2004-09-07 21:15:32| 人氣39| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Only if I can fly

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I started to feel like crying when taking a taxi home from work
I tried not to carry my cell phone for several days
Just to aviod myself sending emotional messages to you

I saw the busy streets. bridges, rivers and mountains on my way home
Each and every picture reminds me of you
Even you haven't been here

I thought of the time when receiving your message on that block
My friend and I used to talk about you when riding up to that bridge
I imagined you'd love the mountains here when I crossed them
There were countless times that I missed you on my way home
It made me feel that Taipei and Ubud are not so different
Because our hearts were the same once

How are you? Do you eat each meal nicely and regularly?
It's impossible to know it from your mouth
I know you would just say something superfacial and positive even if we talk
I miss you, still
I don't dream of something good happening to me again
I just want to think of you
Perhaps it's a good way to pretend you're dead already
I will pretend that I didn't go visiting you last month

Then everything will remain pink and rosy
And I don't feel hurt anymore................

台長: ren
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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