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如何教英文 英文教學app blood horse中文意思是什麼

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    toeic 考試 新竹英文補習班推薦多益英語 全民英檢初級考試時間 英語考試學習英文的方法 臺南英文家教老師線上學習課程 英文外籍家教線上一對一 全英語教學英文推薦英文家教 學英文方法英文語 免費學英語網站 英文外籍家教英文文法教學 線上發音 英文



blood horse中文意思是什麼

blood horse解釋


  • blood: n 1 血,血液;生命液。2 血族,血統;種族;家族(關系);家世;門第;名門,門閥; 〈the blood〉 貴...
  • horse: n (pl horses 〈集合詞〉horse)1 馬〈尤指長大的公馬〉,馬科動物。2 〈集合詞〉騎兵。3 像馬的東西,...

  • Gf - aas determination of arsenic in whole blood

  • Clinical analysis of 44 cases of abo blood type incompatibility hemolytic disease of the newborn

  • 英文學習軟體下載 高中一對一英文家教費用 Chinaroot greenbrier alias has water chestnut of king kong root, iron, have defeat poison to fight cancer, control the function with acerbity collect blood, acetanilide detumescence, 3 gold piece in have this gout drug

  • And heavy as if sweat blood horse, yi zhuang, rename there aren t horse sun not dark, name heavy as if horse say day ma yun "

    及得大宛汗血馬,益壯,更名烏孫馬曰西極,名大宛馬曰天馬雲" 。
  • The hussars, galloping up, freed his foot, and got him into his saddle. the hussars were busily engaged on all sides with the dragoons ; one was wounded, but though his face was streaming with blood he would not let go of his horse ; another put his arms round an hussar as he sat perched up behind on his horse ; a third was clambering on to his horse, supported by an hussar


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    blood horse中文意思是什麼
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