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全民英檢報名 英文補習班費用 fecundity coefficient中文意思是什麼

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    國小數學家教 學以致用 英文英檢初級初試 toeic補習班學英文電影 學習語言英語學習教材 英文情境網上免費學英文 英文遊學免費線上英語 怎麼學好英文台灣英語教學 醫學英語英語學習中心 英文 旅遊



fecundity coefficient中文意思是什麼

fecundity coefficient解釋


  • fecundity: n. 1. 多產,富饒,肥沃。2. 【動物;動物學】生育力,產卵力。3. 【植物;植物學】結實性;結實力。英文 成人 線上英文學習網站 臺南外籍英文家教>coefficient: adj. 共同作用的。n. 1. 共同作用;協同因素。2. 【數,物】系數,率;程度。

  • The absorption coefficient is often strongly wavelength-dependent.

  • A method to calculate quantitatively the adsorption volume or adsorption space of per mass of adsorbent derived from both the adsorbed molecule volume and the maximum adsorbance of a solute in an adsorption isotherm under a given experimential condition is presented firstly for a solid / liquid adsorption system of the solute in a dilute aqueous solution. this method is suitable for not only mono - layer adsorption, but also mani - layer adsorption and micelle adsorpion of surfactant constructed by hydrophile and lipophile groups. therefore, the surface concentration of the adsorbate, cs, deduced from the adsorption volume is possessed of the meaning of true concentration, and the value of the patition coefficient of the adsorbate between solid and liquid phass, p, attained by the cs and the c, solution concentration of the adsorbate, can be accurate. the foregoing a set of calculations are presented for the solid - liquid adsorption systems consisted of the wool fiber and separately dodecyltrimethyl - ammonium bromide ( dtab ) and hexadecyltrimethyl - ammonium bromide ( ctab ) in this paper. this provides a strong basis for adsorption thermodynamic investigation of adsorbate

    對稀溶液中溶質的固/液吸附體系,首次提出了根據吸附分子體積和實驗條件下吸附等溫線中的最大吸附量計算單位質量吸附劑的吸附體積或吸附空間的方法.此法適用於單層吸附,也適用於多層吸附和具有親水親油結構的表面活性劑分子的膠團吸附.由此,吸附質的表面相濃度cs具有真實濃度的含義,相應地,計算得到的溶質的固/液分配系數p就有了準確值.分別計算由溴代十二烷基三甲銨( dtab )和溴代十六烷基三甲銨( ctab )與羊毛纖維構成的液/固體系分配系數等,為溶質吸附的熱力學研究奠定了基礎
  • A variety of methods including the tabular comparison of data, the tabular comparison of similarity coefficient, the nearest neighbor method and the group - average method of hierarchical agglomerative classification were applied to investigate the forest communities in meizi lake area

  • So in that foundation this thesis proposed the amendatory expressions which can neglect the effect of secondary frame in computing structure lateral displacement, and this correction coefficient enhances the computation precision of that simplification method

  • It was suggested that eric - pcr could substitute for rapd in research related to the genetic identification and genetic diversity in auricularia and other edible and medicinal fungi : 2 to a certain extent, genetic differences among auricularia strains tested in this study did not have necessary relativity with their geographical origins respectively ; 3 in this study, genetic diversity in a. polytricha was higher than that in a. auricula : 4 in this study, a. fuscosuccinea had a higher homology to a. auricula than to a. polytricha ; 5 morphological characteristics validated the results from eric - pcr and provided a potential explanation for the higher similarity coefficient between a. auricular and a. fuscosuccinea ; 6 southern hybridization was employed by choosing a strain from a. auricula as a probe which hybridized with a. auricula and a. fuscosuccinea except a. polytricha, further confirming the veracity of the results from eric - pcr ; 7 in this study, isozyme analysis could not cluster the 7 strains from three auricularia species to different groups efficiently ; 8 2 strains from two auricularia species revealed high conservative degree and the restriction fragment patterns by 4 kinds of restricted enzymes showed no diversity

    本研究中,木耳屬2個種的2個菌株在its區域表現出較高的保守性, 4種限制型內切酶的酶切圖譜沒有顯示出多態性;增加內切酶種類及供試菌株數量,有可能獲得具有多態性的限制性內切酶酶切圖譜; 9本實驗中, its區域的真菌特異性引物與真核生物通用引物對于擴增效果無較大差異,擴增片段長度均為650bp左右; 10根據形態學實驗、 eric - pcr實驗以及southern雜交實驗的結果分析,紫木木耳屬種質資源的遺傳鑒定和遺傳多樣性評價耳極有可能是毛木耳種的一個變種; n .本研究中所用的gutc法是一種適用於木耳屬菌株基因組洲a快速提取的方法; 12 .傳統的形態學分類法和現代的分子生物學分類法,兩者的關系是相輔相成,互為驗證

    fecundation, fecundation canal, fecundation index, fecundity of food species, fecundity of imagination, fecundity of the sea

    fecundity coefficient中文意思是什麼

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