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2017-06-05 09:58:48| 人氣54| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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SS1 Bio HKCEE 05 I Q8b


SS1 Bio HKCEE 05 I Q8b


There is a school garden with some tomato plants. a) Explain why continuous harvesting of tomatoes may lead to the depletion of nitrate in the garden soil.b) Suggest two ways to restore the nitrate content of the soil.c) A student flooded the soil with water. As a result, the air content of the soil... 顯示更多 There is a school garden with some tomato plants. a) Explain why continuous harvesting of tomatoes may lead to the depletion of nitrate in the garden soil. b) Suggest two ways to restore the nitrate content of the soil. c) A student flooded the soil with water. As a result, the air content of the soil became very low. Explain why this condition may lead to poor plant growth. 更新: help help help


a) The biomass of the aerial part of the tomatoes is removed from soil rather than leaving on the soil and converted back to nutrients of soil by putrefaction. b) Add chemical fertilizer containing nitrate. Apply rotation cropping that to plant leguminous plant and tomatoes alternatively. c) Low soil air causes the root hair cells cannot obtain oxygen in order to carry out aerobic respiration. So the root hair cells cannot generate enough energy to survive. Death of root hair cells stops the active absorption of minerals from soil. The plant lacks minerals like nitrate and magnesium which are essential to growth.





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