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【發燒好康】Britax R-mer寶得適自行車兒童安全座椅Jockey 3 Comfort 實用商品推薦



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Britax Römer Bicycle Seat Jockey 3 Comfort 設計式樣: Black/Grey

Thanks to the new two-stage magnetic safety lock your little passenger always sits firmly and securely in the Jockey 3 Comfort by Britax Römer.

The Britax Römer child bicycle seat Jockey 3 Comfort offers parents maximum safety as well as super easy and convenient handling. Headrest, backrest and footrests can be adjusted easily with just one hand. That way, your little passenger sits comfortably while the new, two-stage magnetic safety lock they are held securely in the child bicycle seat.

The Jockey 3 Comfort is comfortable and flexible at the same time, and it is suitable for children weighing between 9 kg and 22 kg. The headrest that can be adjusted in 9 different height levels as well as the adaptable footrests ensure optimum seating. In order to allow your little passenger to rest while being on the go, the backrest can be adjusted into a comfortable resting position. The large, soft-padded and reversible cover as well as the soft shoulder pads provide the necessary comfort.

The spring steel bracket absorbs shocks from the road so that there is nothing standing in the way of a relaxed bike ride. Furthermore, there is an extra-large spoke guard which prevents your child's feet from getting between the spokes while the foot straps keep the little feet securely on the footrests. Thanks to the single-handed adjustment of both headrest and footrest, you can always support the bike with your other hand.

The bracket for the Jockey 3 Comfort is to be attached directly to the bicycle frame and is suitable for most bicycles thanks to the inserts for different tube diameters that are included in delivery. The child bicycle seat is fastened in a forward-facing mode behind the cyclist's seat.

If you would like to use your bike without the Britax Römer bicycle seat Jockey 3 Comfort, you can easily detach it from out of the bracket - that way, you can stay flexible at all times.

Please note: For a second bike, you can optionally purchase a second bracket (not included in delivery) in our accessories section!

Please keep in mind that a child bicycle seat changes the handling of your bike. Adjust your driving style accordingly. For the safety of your child, make sure that you always wear a helmet while cycling!


  • Made in Germany

  • Suitable for children from 9 - 22 kg (from about 9 months up to 5 years)

  • Available in different colours

  • 分期付款
  • Headrest can be adjusted in 9 different height levels

  • Highest comfort due to large, padded reversible cover

  • Adjustable backrest - with just one hand you can transform the seat into a resting position

  • Extra-large spoke guards

  • Multiply-adjustable footrests

  • Comfort harness with soft shoulder pads and two-stage magnetic belt buckle

  • Solid manufacturing - stable spring steel bracket

  • Installation: behind the driver, with bracket and spring steel bracket (tools not included - hexagon wrench and open-ended wrench required)

  • Weight: 5,7 kg

  • Dimensions: H 71.2 x W 46 x D 43 cm

Suitable for:


  • Touring and sport bicycles

  • Wheel sizes 26 "and 28"

  • Diameter of tube 28 to 40 mm

  • Rack width up to 150 mm

  • Round seat tube




Britax R?mer寶得適自行車兒童安全座椅Joc家電key 3 Comfort





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Britax R?mer寶得適自行車兒童安全座椅Jockey 3 Comfort

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強檔精選, Britax R?mer寶得適自行車兒童安全座椅Jockey 3 Comfort


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