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ΦSe7en 火線追緝令
David Fincher,1995


Se7en最後在曠野的場景鋪陳得極美。David Fincher用直昇機上往下的鳥瞰鏡頭,以全片中極少見的遠景來拍攝這個場景。那種荒涼的美感,路邊的死狗,不停上冒的熱氣與一瞬即發的壓迫感。




Mills是善、John Doe是惡?有些人選擇忍受冷漠,有些人則不。有些人選擇反擊,有些人則不。殺人的權力?這似乎不是本片要討論的議題。Se7en討論的是罪與罰,而不是公理與正義;是改變現狀的可能性。

在Se7en裡頭,Mills對John Doe並不存在著「恨」的情感。Mills可說是很老式作風的警探,他並不憤世嫉俗,也不對John Doe一連串案件的背後動機感興趣,他很直覺地認為對方是犯人、自己是警探,警探抓犯人是天經地義的事。他說:

He’s a nut-bag!
Just because the fucker’s got a library card,
doesn’t make him Yoda!


C’mon, he’s insane. Look.
Right now he’s probably dancing around in his grandma’s panties,
yeah, rubbing himself in peanut butter.

又對John Doe說:

Wait a minute, I thought all you did was kill innocent people.


You’re no messiah.
You’re a movie of the week.
You’re a fucking t-shirt, at best.


I’ve been trying to figure something in my head,
and maybe you can help me out, yeah?
When a person is insane, as you clearly are,
do you know that you’re insane?
Maybe you’re just sitting around,
reading ”Guns and Ammo”,
masturbating in your own feces,
do you just stop and go,
”Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!”?
Yeah. Do you guys do that?

這些對話中處處可見他對John Doe的輕蔑與不認同。Mills只把John Doe視為瘋子、變態殺人魔,而他要做的只是把John Doe抓起來,如此而已。所以Mills的心中其實沒有所謂的正不正義感,他不會去思考何謂正義,又何謂邪惡,他只是依照本能行事:警察抓犯人。Mills是相當單細胞的並樂觀的,就價值觀來說,他與古龍小說《歡樂英雄》裡的郭大路極類似。

何謂善?不犯法即為善?John Doe即在為「善」下定義:

We see a deadly sin on every street corner,
in every home, and we tolerate it.
We tolerate it because it’s common, it’s trival.

他認為冷漠與不關心及其餘種種,在現代社會已經儼然成為一種「罪衍」。John Doe想藉自己犯下的案件,來敲破人們冷漠的殼,給予當頭棒喝。John Doe說:

Innocent? Is that supposed to be funny?
An obese man... a disgusting man who could barely stand up;
a man who if you saw him on the street,
you’d point him out to your friends,
so that they could join you in mocking him;
a man, who if you saw him while you were eating,
you wouldn’t be able to finish your meal.

After him, I picked the lawyer,
and I know you both must have been secretly thanking me for that one.
This is a man who dedicated his life to making money
by lying with every breath that he could muster
to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets!

A woman... so ugly on the inside she couldn’t bear to go on living
if she couldn’t be beautiful on the outside.
A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually!
And let’s not forget the disease-spreading whore!

Only in a world this shitty could you even try to say
these were innocent people and keep a straight face.

比較起來John Doe是相當悲觀的,他認為非要用榔頭重重敲在人們的腦袋上,才能使他們有所醒悟。而Mills對未來則相當樂觀,他說:

You want me to say,
”Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re right.
It’s all fucked up. It’s a fucking mess.
We should all go live in a fucking log cabin.”
But I won’t. I don’t agree with you. I do not. I can’t.


Apathy is the solution.
I mean, it’s easier to lose yourself in drugs
than it is to cope with life.
It’s easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it.
It’s easier to beat a child than it is to raise it.
Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work.

某種程度上他是贊同John Doe的。作法也許不認同,但想法相近。這點由他研讀John Doe的筆記時的細心,以及從來沒有出言批判John Doe的行為可知。片尾那句引述海明崴的旁白,Somerset不同意「世界是好地方」,可看出他悲觀的那一面,而同意了「值得為它奮鬥」,正是他介於John Doe的悲觀與Mills的樂觀間,自己偏於消極無奈的看法。

以一個驚悚片的基底來說,殺人與否似乎不是討論的重點。相信編劇及導演也並非在鼓勵人們像John Doe一樣,站出來拿著榔頭奮勇的砸吧!這樣。在這類型的電影裡頭,殺戮只是一個強化張力的戲劇手法,而非討論的重心。Q是這麼認為的。

台長: Quiff
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