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鯖魚罐頭料理 8AM8行銷術Human Resource Management(13版)




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This best-selling HRM text is designed to provide authoritative and accurate information on HR-related responsibilities and personnel management by focusing on practical applications, concepts, and techniques that ALL managers can use in business.

1.Managing HR Activities in Small Businesses.

Intended for line and small-business managers, the When You’re On Your Own sections within each chapter help students understand how HR-related activities could affect a manager in an entrepreneurial workplace. Examples include:

.How to recruit and train new employees when their HR department is too busy to help

.How to avoid committing management malpractice.

.How to effectively address the possibility of terrorist threats.

2.Improving Productivity through HRIS sections.

The Improving Productivity through HRIS sections, located throughout each chapter, illustrate how managers use technology to improve the productivity of HR. For example, Chapter 6 explains:

.How managers use applicant-tracking systems to compile web-based resumes.

.How they’re able to prescreen applicants online.

.What needs to be done in order to discover candidates’ hidden talents.

3.Knowing Your Employment Law features.

Today, virtually every HR-related decision has legal implications. To help students make more informed decisions in their future careers, each chapter in this edition contains one or more of the Know Your Employment Law feature. For example, Chapter 6 explains what line managers should know about the federal and state laws governing how employers acquire and use applicants’ and employees’ background information, including:

.Disclosure and authorization.


.Providing copies of reports.

.Notice of adverse action.

4.Keeping Your Course Current and Relevant.

(1)NEW Topics.

More than 100 new topics can be found throughout the thirteenth edition. For example, a thoroughly revised Chapter 6 (Employee Selection) features new, significantly expanded treatments of reliability, validity, generalizability, utility, person job fit, person organization fit, bias, and more.

(2)NEW Boxed Features.

.The Strategic Context is now paired with new Strategic Human Resource Management opening scenes. This was included to help illustrate the strategic context of each chapter’s material.

.The new HR as a Profit Center boxed features present a new focus throughout the book on the value proposition and on HR strategy, metrics, and analysis. These features show actual examples of how human resource management practices added
measurable value to a given company.


Gary Dessler

現職:Florida International University

