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2009-03-26 00:32:17| 人氣137| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The fountain of Love

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Love is a fire that it can warm you and also it can burn you.

I always think that if you want a relationship going on and get a long term.
The way of people get together and sharing things should not be always the same.
The roles can be change and the attitude is important.
Sometimes as a father with a daughter, sometimes like a mother with a son, sometimes like a lover, sometimes like a couple married for whole life and sometimes, just like friends.
The ability about how to make a suitable distance in different situations in all the kind of relationship is important.
Distance make things better or worse, and it's all depends on your sense of
respect (regard), honest (admit) and accept (toleration).

台長: Renee


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