搭訕對話實例八 在餐廳裡頭該如何跟外國人搭訕?我拿個老外跟我搭訕的經驗來分享一下,順便讓大家看看老外覺得搭訕是件多麼自然的事情,而他們又是如何辦到的。
How to initiate conversations with foreigners in restaurants or coffee shops?
Let me take my experience of being “picked up” by a foreigner as a good
example to share the techniques with you. You will find out how
“naturally” they talk to strangers, and what strategies they have appropriated.
One day after work, I had a dinner appointment with my co-worker, Gi-hum. He is overseas Korean who was born and educated in Japan, and teaches Economics and Japanese on our campus. We chose a stylish Korean-European restaurant to eat, and as soon as we sat down, three white guys also sat down near our table. We noticed that they paid attention to our talking, probably because both of us spoke fluent English. Right after we finished eating, one of them approached us and started talking to us:
「Excuse me guys. I overheard you speak English. Both of you speak very good English. Are you Korean or…?」(不好意思,我剛才不小心聽到你們在說英語。你們是韓國人還是…?)
「I am Taiwanese, and my friend is Korean.」(我是台灣人,我的朋友是韓國人。)
「Nice to meet you. We were sitting there and noticed you speak fluent English. So we were wondering if you are foreigners like us, or Koreans simply want to practice English.」(很高興認識你們。我們坐在那兒,注意到你們說著流利的英語。所以我們在猜,你們跟我們一樣是外國人呢,還是韓國人只是為了練習英語?)
「Thanks for your compliment. English is the best language for two of us to communicate.」(謝謝你的讚美。英語對我們兩個來說是最好溝通的語言。)
「My friends and I are working at the elementary school in this town. And you?」(我和我的朋友們在這個小鎮的小學工作。你們呢?)
「We are teaching at Hongik University.」(我們在弘益大學讀書。)
「By the way, my name is Allen. He is Luke, and he is Jay.」(he introduced his friends to us.)(對了,這是艾倫。他是陸克,他是傑。)(他介紹他的朋友們給我們認識。)
「My name is Jacky, and this is Gi-hum.」(我的名字叫傑積,這是基訓。)
「Can you say your name again?」(你可以再說一次你的名字嗎?)(Allen faced Gi-hum and asked him again.)(艾倫面向基訓,再問了一次。)
「Gi-hum. It is a Korean name. Or you can just call me Kim. It will be easier for you to remember.」(基訓。這是韓文名字。或者你也可以叫我金。這樣你比較容易記得。)
「I am fine with Korean names. I just need some time to memorize them, such as repeating them several times after people tell me their names.」(我記韓文沒問題。我只是需要一點時間來記,例如在別人告訴我他們的名字後不斷反覆地多唸幾遍。)
「Well, if Gi-hun were a cute girl, it would be easier for you to memorize.」(I continued the conversation with some humor.)(恩,其實如果基訓是個可愛女生的話,我想會幫助你記得他名字的,呵呵。)(我試著用幽默來繼續話題。)
「Haha, you are right, Jacky. By the way, what brought you to Korea?」(哈哈,你說的對,傑積。對了,你怎麼會來韓國呢?)
「I am interested in experiencing different cultures, and Korea is my first foreign country to start. I am thinking of going to other countries to work, such as Japan, Australia, or UK. It depends on whether they would hire me or not.」(我對體驗不同文化很感興趣,韓國是我的第一站。我還打算去別的國家工作,例如日本,澳洲或英國。這也得看他們要不要雇佣我囉。)
「Me too. I am interested in travelling to different countries when I am still young. I probably will go back to the US to work after some years.」(我也是。我想趁著年輕到不同國家旅行。我大概會在幾年後再回到美國工作。)
「Be careful, Allen. All of my American friends told me that if you stay in Korea over 5 years, it might be impossible for you to go back to your own country. Life here may be easy and happy as an English teacher, but besides teaching English, you don’t have other skills. You will be stuck in this country forever.」(要小心哦,艾倫。我所有來自美國的朋友都告訴我,要是在韓國待了五年以上的話,大概很難再回到自己的國家了。在這裡靠著教英文,日子也許輕鬆愉快,不過除了教英語以外,並沒有其他的專長。你會一輩子被困在這個國家。)
「Right!! My friends gave me the same advice as well. Therefore I am also applying for some online educational programs, in order to get some useful certificates .」(一點沒錯﹗我的朋友也給我一樣的建議。所以我現在也申請一些網上的課程,打算拿些有用的證書。)
「That’s a wise decision. So Allen, how long have you been in Korea?」(那是個聰明的決定。艾倫,你來韓國多久了?)
「I have been in Korea for 16 months. I was in another town for one year, and have transferred to this town for 6 months.」(我來韓國十六個月了。我在別的城鎮待了一年,來這裡六個月。)
「This is a desert-like place. You really have no place to go.」(這個地方跟個沙漠似的。你根本無處可去。)
「At least we have this restaurant to hang out with friends, haha.」(至少我們還有這個餐廳能來混一下,呵呵。)
「And without going to too many recreational places, you can actually save money.」(其實沒有太多好玩的地方也不錯,你可以多存點錢。)
「Exactly! And we are so happy that Korean won has gone up in its value recently. It had been terrible for the past 12 months.」(對呀﹗最近韓圜升值了,我們真開心。過去十二個月以來它的表現簡直糟透了。)
「Ya, it was incredibly low. I didn’t wire a dime out of the country so far because it would be a waste of money.」(是啊,簡直低到不行。我到目前為止一毛都沒有匯出去,因為那麼做根本就是浪費金錢。)
「Neither did we. Recently there is another problem. The news said that more than 12 people died because of the H1N1 Virus. Do you worry about the swine flu ?」(我們也是。最近又有另外一個問題。新聞報導說超過十二個人死於H1N1病毒。你擔心這豬流感嗎?)
「Not really. I am an optimistic guy who believes fate. If I am supposed to get it, I will get it. It’s inevitable. I don’t like to worry about things which are not happening yet.」(還好耶。我這人挺樂觀,相信命運。如果我會被感染,就是會被感染,躲都躲不了。我不喜歡對還沒有發生的事情過度擔心。)
「You are very brave! We would like to find a hospital to have the vaccine injected .」(你真勇敢。我們打算找間醫院去注射一下疫苗。)
「According to the news, from next month you can go to the local hospital to get the vaccine.」(根據新聞指出,下個月你就可以到當地的醫院注射疫苗了。)
「Thanks for the information. Hey Jacky, maybe next time we can hang out again to talk more about life and fun stuff in Korea.」(謝謝你提供的訊息。對了傑積,也許下次我們還可以再碰面,聊聊在韓國的生活和有趣的事情。)
「Let’s exchange numbers, so we can call each other next time.」(我們交換一下電話號碼吧,這樣我們可以互相聯繫。)
「This is my number: 01031483931. How about yours?」(我的電話是01031483931。你的呢?)
「I will make a call to you. You don’t need to pick up the phone. The incoming number shows on the screen is mine.」(我會撥你的號碼。你不要接這個電話。這樣顯示在你手機上的號碼就是我的號碼。)
「Got it!」(了解)
「I don’t want to disturb you guys. Let’s keep in touch and I look forward to meeting you next time.」(那我不打擾你們兩位了。我們保持聯繫,也期待和你們下一次的再會。)
「We too. Bye for now.」(我們也是,再見。)