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2010-03-30 11:59:38| 人氣64| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Debbie May's Soap Frosting

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Debbie May's Soap Frosting                                                                   
Project Level: Project Level: Intermediate.
Estimated Time: 1 Hour
Yields: Frosting for 48 Cupcakes.

Adding a foam topping is a fun way to embellish bath fizzies. When adding to the top of soap or fizzies, do not spritz with a fine mist of rubbing alcohol.

INCI Ingredient Label: If you are making this for the purposes of sale, you must wear a hair net, gloves and protective clothing as outlined in the FDA's Good Manufacturing Practice Guidelines.

  • 2 Pound(s) Crafter's Choice Ultra White Soap Base 
  • 1 Pound(s) Crafter's Choice Foaming Bath Whip 
  • 3 Ounce(s) Crafter's Choice Liquid Glycerin 
  • 1.5 Ounce(s) Crafter's Choice Birthday Cake Fragrance Oil 

  • Decorator Pro 
  • Digital Scale 
  • Gloves 
  • Hand Mixer 
  • Microwave 
  • Microwave Safe Container (Pyrex Cup) 
  • Paper Plate 
  • Plastic Droppers 
  • Soap Cutter/Slicer 
  • Spatula 
  • Spoon 

  1. Using a soap slicer, cut the clear soap into 1-2 inch pieces. The soap slicer is dull and perfect for this project. Do not use a knife as it is very sharp and the soap is slippery. The knife could slip causing injury.
  2. Using a microwave safe container, melt soap in the microwave. Heat slowly using short intervals. Do not overheat.
  3. Add liquid glycerin to the soap. Note: If you wish to have a creamier frosting, add a bit more glycerin. Additional glycerin will make the soap softer and will require more time to harden.
  4. Add melted soap and glycerin to the bath whip. Do not worry that the entire batch will become liquid, it will re-thicken upon returning to room temperature.
  5. Add fragrance oil.
  6. Mix with hand mixer until thick, creamy and smooth.
  7. Use Stainless Steel Decorator Pro to embellish soap. A spatula makes filling easier!!
  8. Frosting will become hard in 24 hours.

台長: Lisa
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