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2004-03-02 04:55:00| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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shit shit shit........... ahha if u guys can see the time when i posted this article, u will feel strange and angry for me also law. haha now is already 4 40 am , la i cant sleep tonite ar so shit, i try to go to bed at 9 sth cos i think i got a little bit sick and headache, then i want to wake up to see feel100% la, but of cos cannot eventually , but i keep on awaake during the sleep afterwards, and finally cant tolerate and decide to wake up and online at 4am , law chi sin ga, so sleepy but cant sleep, not becos of anything, but maybe physically not feeling well and cant sleep law, but luckyily have kevin in the ICQ to chat with me law thx and of cos 903 also help me alot ar alot of nice old songs during the 1 hr awake ar

today early morning dated pierre at north point to ust, but of cos cant meet again la haha, but at the same time i met chow gunz and william, just keep chatting about soccer of cos and talk about last day afternoon hk match law haha, we support hk soccer gair

then have huma099d , the film is very interesting law i mean today topics quite interest la, talk about GAY and have a film of GAY LO 40 hahah,

the regular practise every monday agian, go to barn HAE for 1 hr , thenh go lunch with them , haha and then go to liba to sleep and study for a while and then chat with them at cafe again la, haha and finaklly have to attend 341 class la, hai the most tired one i guess cos the break is syuper short , and today have a half term evaluation law, and i decide to write her to give us a longer break law ahhah

after dinner deicde to sleep immediately cos really tired and alittle bit headachem, but eventually cant achieve my aim , i mean cant sleep comfortably ,cant see feel 100% and also englosh premier league highlight

haha see the photos quite gau siu la, and i get back the last november one to have a look law, havent change much i guess haha

still feeling happy and excited for my brother la haha during today school and talk with my friends all the time haha

everybody i mean my friends la, dun give up and feel depressed for the jobs , u all will get a right one in coming soon la, trust me, hope my luck can pass to u guys

one lovely song at 903 at around 4 25 am

但我不懂說將來 但我靜待妳歸來
在這心灰的冷冬 共你熱烈再相逢

但我不懂說將來 但我靜靜待妳歸來
在這春風秋雨中 共妳願望已不同
還是有點故夢 想傾吐

一切事情驟似一絲苦惱 回看妳我的路
是情是愛是緣是痛 今日我卻竟都不知道
我依然 而我竟然 還是覺得妳最好

即使妳離開 我熱情未改
這漫長夜裡 誰人是妳所愛
花不似盛開 愛漸如大海
假使妳懷念我 為何獨處感慨
即使妳離開 我熱情未改
這漫長夜裡 誰人是妳所愛

台長: Petit
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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