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法文家教 線上英語 商用英文對話範例 vigilante中文意思是什麼

    英文自學手冊 實用英文會話英語 學習 方法 家教英語聽力教學 如何找家教 家教薪資理化家教 英文教學法線上英語對話 線上英文會話 國小線上教學英文怎麼學 台北英語補習班英語會話家教 全民英檢gept基本會話 英文 練英聽網站 學習音樂





n. 名詞 〈美國〉自衛隊員。

  • Believes that the self - styled vigilante is wanted for murder

  • Soldiers, installed in a new complaints centre, listen to public grievances and send out vigilante [ 5 ] missions to tackle everything from village quarrels to landlord - tenant difficulties and domestic disputes

  • When detective ben simm ' s wife is killed, he has to learn to be both father and mother to his little girl while searching for a vigilante that has his own sense of justice

    妻子被殺之後,偵探本?西米一邊既做父親又做母親的撫養著自己的小女兒,一邊尋找著有正義感的義務警員(幫助尋找殺害自己妻子的凶手) 。
  • Special agent frank castle had it all : a loving family, a great life, and an adventurous job. but when his life is taken away from him by a ruthless criminal and his associates, frank has become reborn. now serving as judge, jury, and executioner, he s a new kind of vigilante out to wage a one man war against those who have done him wrong

    大家說英語單字 成人學英語 卡法蘭僥倖存活,化身為復仇刺客,取名復仇王一披上黑衣以白骷髏標記,憑著敏銳觸覺高超智慧熟練功夫,並帶備各種致命武器,矢志打擊罪案,並鎖定復仇目標:邪惡富商候活。
  • Although it is important to rid evil from society, it is the physical effort of catching the criminals that gives her the most thrills. he greatest critic is superintendent richman richie jen who by a squirk of fate also trained with the young lulu at shaolin temple. now years later he is pitched in a huge battle to capture the vigilante silver hawk who happens to be his childhood friend lulu


    vigila英文 免費 想學英文 英語對話教學nce, vigilance committee, vigilance man, vigilante corps, vigilantism, vigintillion

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