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線上英語對話 小朋友 英文 machine-building plant中文意思是什麼

    全民英檢報名手冊 線上一對一英文教學 英檢單字下載英文 推薦 兒童美語美語 英語 上班族英文補習 英文course全民英檢初級單字 免費學英文 中文學習 app全民英檢初級 中文家教網全民英檢gept 人際溝通 吉的堡美語學校英檢高級 國小伴讀英文互動學習 國際英文檢定



machine-building plant中文意思是什麼

machine-building plant解釋


  • machine: n 1 機(器),機械;機關,機構。2 印刷機器;縫紉機;打字機;汽車;自行車;三輪車;飛機;〈美俚〉...
  • building: n. 1. 建築物,房屋,大樓,大廈。2. 製造;營造,建築;組合,組裝;建築術。
  • plant: n 1 植物,草木 (opp animal); 草本;〈商用語〉樹秧,苗木。2 莊稼,作物,收獲;(植物的)生育。3 ...

  • Founded in june 1984 as the first to be designated to manufacture mutual inductors by the former ministry of machine - building and the ministry of electric power, the company became members of the divisions of both china electrial equipment industrial association and national transformer association earliest. the company mainly produces current / voltage mutual inductors below 35kv, which are in comformity with national standards gb1208 - 1997 current mutual inductor and gb1207 - 1997 voltage mutual inductor and adopt international standards iec44 current mutual inductor and iec60044 voltage mutual inductor

    小朋友學唱歌 英檢初試 公司成立於1984年6月,系原機械工業部、電力部首批定點互感器生產的專業廠家,是中國電器工業協會分會、全國變壓器分會首批成員單位,公司主要生產35kv及以下的電流、電壓互感器,產品符合國家標準gb1208 - 1997 《電流互感器》 、 gb1207 - 1997 《電壓互感器》 ,採用國際標準iec44 《電流互感器》和iec60044 《電壓互感器》 。
  • Ntu " khpi " is the only higher education institution that trains specialists for such important branches of machine - building as turbine construction for atomic, thermoelectric, hydraulic power engineering, heavy electric machine - building, tractor - building, computer control systems for internal combustion engines, boiler - and reactor manufacturing, fat technologies and fat substitutes technologies, tank - building, electrical insulation, cable and condenser engineering

  • Senyang first machine tool plant is china ' s largest manufacturing and r & dbase of all - round lathes and numerical - controlled machine tools

  • In old china, here was hardly any machine - building industry, to say nothing of an electronic industry

  • State machine - building industry, the ministry of machine - character ( 81 ) 1011, machine word ( 82 ) 189 # given me factory ( changchun first automobile plant production cooperation ), and sentinel production, the company produced by the china environmental protection

    由國家機械工業部機字( 81 ) 1011號、機字( 82 ) 189號文下達我廠研製(長春第一汽車製作廠合作) ,並定點生產,由中國環境保護公司監制。

    machine-building industry, machine-building 英文自學網 英語教材 家教網推薦industry minister, machine-building industry press, machine-finished paper, machine-glaze cylinder, machine-glazed paper

    machine-building plant中文意思是什麼
      全民英檢報名手冊 線上一對一英文教學 英檢單字下載英文 推薦 兒童美語線上英語對話 小朋友 英文英語課程 英文聽力訓練網站 英文補習班全民英檢初級單字 免費學英文 中文學習 app全民英檢初級 中文家教網英文外籍家教 學英文電影全美語幼稚園 英文輕鬆學 看youtube輕鬆學英文學英文會話 英文課程 推薦英語會話一對一 快樂學英文 語言教學


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