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美語教學 多益 進修課程 英文 hotel car中文意思是什麼

    全民英檢報名 臺中英文家教行情德文老師 toeic線上課程 搶救上班族英文全英語教學 高中數學家教行情英文家教費用 全民英檢中級考古題安親班課程 免費學英文下載伴讀 英語問候語 學英文雜誌英文作文家教 英文補習班臺北車站英語單字發音 全民英檢網路報名 英文家教外籍老師



hotel car中文意思是什麼

hotel car解釋



  • hotel: 通訊中代表h的詞。n 旅館,旅社。 a(n) hotel car 〈美國〉帶餐車的臥車。 American plan hotel美國式...
  • car: 1 civil air regulations 民航條例。2 controlled avalanche rectifier 可控雪崩整流器。n 1 車輛;(小...

  • The hotel car park is only for bona fide guests

  • The hotel also offers ticket agency, car renting service and so on

  • Honglou hotel hangzhou is a five - star foreign hotel, located in the westside lake road, adjoining railway station and the building subway line - 1, east to entrance of city of hangzhou, and south to binjiang road. with the distance about 10 mins by car to qianjiang new city, west to yongjin park, north to qianjiang bridge s entrance, at the crossing of stop of civil aviation and shuttle bus

  • Our photography service includes product shots, catalog shots, on location shots, model shots, beauty shots, fashion shots, architecture shots, interior shots, exterior shots, pack shots, hotel photography, event photography, corporate photography, pr photography, industrial photography, car photography

  • He came back from the business trip and was reimbursed for the air fare, hotel charge and car rental

    他出差回來報銷了飛機票,住宿費用和語言學習中心 英檢線上報名 空中英語租車費用。

    hotcooling, hotcorner, hotdog, hotel de ville, hotel dieu, hotel-keeping

    hotel car中文意思是什麼

    美語教學 多益 進修課程 英文
      英文文章 旅遊英文教學線上學美語 英檢中級單字30個免費學英文網站 空中英英文網站學習 全民英檢往全英語教學英文 會話班補習班 唱歌學英語 學英語練習英聽網站 卡通學英文 台北英文家教商用英文寫作班 英文自學手冊報名英檢 英文聽說訓練 教英文lttc gept 英語演講


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