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記錄驅動生命現象之細胞信號的交響曲 (舊譯文)

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Like a computer, cells must process information from the outside world before they respond. Scientists have now developed a powerful new way to observe the internal discussions responsible for cellular decisions.



1.一種新的造影技術,使得即時且同時觀察多個細胞信號成為可能。分子信息簇(綠色)察覺,之後研究人員能標記及識別(多種顏色)的上述信號。該方法賦予了科學家們一種,有關細胞活動之交響樂的詳細視圖。  (圖援用自原文)


A new imaging technology lets scientists spy on the flurry of messages passed within cells as they do . . . potentially everything.



Until now, most scientists could visualize only one or two of these intracellular signals at a time, says Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator Ed Boyden of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His team’s new approach could make it possible to see as many signals as you want – in real time, at once, Boyden says – giving researchers a more detailed view of cells’ internal discussions than ever before.

美國霍華德休斯醫學研究所調查研究員,隸屬麻省理工學院的Ed Boyden表示,直到目前,大多數科學家一次只能視覺化,一個或兩個這些細胞內的信號。其團隊的新方法可能使人們,即時且同時觀察想要的諸多信號,成為可能。他表示,這賦予了研究人員們,有關細胞內部的討論,比在此之前更詳細的視圖。


In tests with neurons, the researchers examined five signals involved in processes such as learning and memory, Boyden and his colleagues report November 23, 2020, in the journal Cell. “You could apply this technology to all sorts of biological mysteries,” he says. “Every cell works due to all the signals inside it.” Because signaling contributes to all biological processes, a better means to study it could illuminate a host of diseases, from Alzheimer’s to diabetes and cancer.



The team’s new approach is a breakthrough, says Clifford Woolf, a neurobiologist at Harvard Medical School who was not involved with the work. He plans to use it to examine how pain-sensing neurons become more sensitive in injury or illness. With the new imaging technology, he says “we can take apart what’s happening in cells in a way that just has not been possible before.”

美國哈佛醫學院未涉及該項研究的神經生物學家,Clifford Woolf表示,該團隊的新方法是一項突破。他計劃用它來檢查,於受傷或生病時,痛覺神經元如何變得更加敏感。他表示,使用該項新造影技術,人們能以一種先前一直不可能的方法,來分析細胞內正發生什麼。


Give a computer or a human brain information, and it will crackle with electrical impulses as it prepares a response. Within cells, these impulses result in spurts of multiple molecular signals. Boyden describes this process as a group conversation. “Signals within a cell are like a set of people trying to decide what to do for the evening: they take into account many possibilities, and then decide what to collectively do,” he says.



These cellular discussions are what prompt, for example, a neuron to encode a memory or a cell to turn cancerous. Despite their importance, scientists still don’t have a strong grasp of how these signals work together to guide a cell’s behavior.



To see cell signaling in action, scientists typically introduce genes encoding sensors connected to fluorescent proteins. These molecular reporters sense a signal and then glow a specific color under the microscope.



Researchers can use a different color reporter for each signal to tell the signals apart. But finding sets of reporters with colors that a microscope can differentiate is challenging. And a typical cellular conversation can involve dozens of signals – or more.



Changyang Linghu and Shannon Johnson, scientists in Boyden’s lab, got around this limitation by affixing reporters to small, self-assembling proteins that act like LEGO bricks. These small proteins “clicked together,” forming clusters that were randomly scattered across the cell like little islands.

Boyden實驗室的科學家,Changyang LinghuShannon Johnson,藉由將報告物固定於,類似樂高積木之小分子、行自組合的蛋白質上。此些小分子蛋白質“聚集”,形成像諸多類似小島物,隨機散佈於整個細胞的簇。


Each cluster, which appears under the microscope as a luminescent dot, reports only one type of cellular signal. “It’s like having some islands with thermometers to report temperature and other islands with barometers measuring pressure,” Johnson says.



In experiments with neurons, the team created clusters that each glowed upon detection of one of five different signals, including calcium ions and other important signaling molecules. After imaging the live cells, the researchers attached molecular labels to the glowing dots to identify the reporters located there.



Using computer analyses, the team turned the dots magenta, yellow, and other colors, depending on whether they represented calcium or another signal. This let them see which signals were switching on and off across a cell’s interior.



By monitoring so many signals at once, the team was able to figure out how each signal related to one another. “Teasing apart such relationships could help scientists understand complex processes ­– like learning, ” Linghu says.



He likens a cell to an orchestra and its signals to a symphony. “It’s difficult to fully appreciate a symphony by listening to just a single instrument,” he says. Because the new technique lets scientists observe multiple signals at the same time, “we can understand the symphony of cellular activities.”

他將細胞比作一個樂團,及其信號比作一個交響樂。 他宣稱:「藉由僅傾聽一種樂器,這很難充分欣賞交響樂。」由於該項新技術使科學家們能同時觀察多個信號,因此他們能理解細胞活動的交響曲。


Boyden’s team estimates it may be possible to detect as many as 16 signals with their technology, but improvements in genetic engineering techniques could raise that number significantly. “Potentially, you could look at dozens, hundreds, or even more signals,” he says. “The next challenge,” Boyden says, “is getting sensors for all of those signals into a cell.”






台長: peregrine
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