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冠狀病毒正在變異——但什麼決定變異速度? (舊譯文)

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Though not technically alive, viruses mutate and evolve similar to living cells, producing new variants all the time.Without genetic mutations, there would be no humans. There wouldnt be any living beings at allno mammals, insects, or plants, not even bacteria.



These tiny errors, which can happen at random each time a cell or virus copies itself, provide the raw materials for evolution to take place. Mutations create variation in a population, which allows natural selection to amplify the traits that help creatures thrivestretching a giraffes long neck to reach high leaves, or camouflagingcaterpillars like poop to evade birdsnotice.



Amid a pandemic, however, the word mutation strikes a more ominous note. Viruses, though not technically alive, also mutate and evolve as they infect a hosts cells and replicate. The resulting tweaks to the viruss genetic code could help it more readily hop between humans or evade the defenses of the immune system. Three such mutants of the virus SARS-CoV-2 have prompted experts to advocate for redoubled efforts to curb the coronaviruss spread.

不過,在大流行病中,“突變”該詞觸發一種,較為不祥的意味。雖然原則上並不活躍,不過感染宿主細胞及複製時,病毒也發生變異及演化。從而對病毒遺傳密碼產生的諸多調整,可能協助其在人類之間更迅速跳躍,或避開免疫系統的防禦。第二型嚴重急性呼吸系統徵候群-冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2)的三個此類突變體,促使了專家們鼓吹加倍努力,來遏制冠狀病毒的傳播。


But these three versions of the virus are just a few among thousands of SARS-CoV-2 variants that have sprung up since the pandemic began. We are creating variants like gangbusters right now because we have so many humans infected with SARS CoV-2,says Siobain Duffy, a vial evolutionary biologist at Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.

不過,該種病毒的上述三個版本,只是打從此大流行病開始以來,已經湧現之數千種SARS-CoV-2變異體中的少數。美國羅格斯大學環境暨生物科學學院,病毒演化生物學家,Siobain Duffy宣稱:「目前,人類正在引起諸多,類似黑幫剋星(gangbuster)的變異體。因為,有太多人類感染上SARS CoV-2。」


Many of these variants have since vanished. So why do some versions disappear, and why does the virus change in the first place? What mechanisms play puppet master for evolving viruses?



The virus will change because thats the underlying biology,says Simon Anthony, a virologist working in infectious diseases at the University of California, Davis.The question then becomes, are those changes significant to us?

美國加州大學戴維斯分校,從事傳染病研究的病毒學家,Simon Anthony宣稱:「該種病毒會發生改變,因為那是基本的生命現象。那麼,問題成為,那些改變對人類意義重大嗎?」


A successful virus is one that makes more of itself. But these tiny entities cant do much on their own. Viruses are essentially coils of genetic material stuffed into a protein shell thats sometimes blanketed in an outer envelope. In order to replicate, they must find a host. The virus binds to its targets cells, injecting genetic material that hijacks the hosts cellular machinery to make a new generation of viral progeny.



But each time a new copy is made, theres a chance that an error, or mutation, will occur. Mutations are like typos in the string of letters that make up a strand of DNA or RNA code.



The majority of mutations are harmful to a virus or cell, limiting the spread of an error through a population. For example, mutations can tweak the building blocks of proteins encoded in the DNA or RNA, which alters a proteins final shape and prevents it from doing its intended job, Duffy explains.



It doesnt make the nice little curlicue alpha-helices its supposed to, she says of a common structure found in proteins. It doesnt make the nice folded sheets it's supposed to.



Many other mutations are neutral, having no effect on how efficiently a virus or cell reproduces. Such mutations sometimes spread at random, when a virus carrying the mutation spreads to a population that hasnt been exposed to any variants of the virus yet. Its the only kid on the block, Anthony says.



However, a select few mutations prove useful to a virus or cell. For example, some changes could make a virus better at jumping from one host to the next, helping it outcompete other variants in the area.



This was what happened with the SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.7 that was first identified in the United Kingdom but has now spread to dozens of countries around the world. Scientists estimate the variant is roughly 50 percent more transmissible than past forms of the virus, giving it an evolutionary edge.



Mutations may happen randomly, but the rate at which they occur depends on the virus. The enzymes that copy DNA viruses, called DNA polymerases, can proofread and fix errors in the resulting strings of genetic letters, leaving few mutations in each generation of copies.



But RNA viruses, like SARS-CoV-2, are the evolutionary gamblers of the microscopic world. The RNA polymerase that copies the viruss genes generally lacks proofreading skills, which makes RNA viruses prone to high mutation ratesup to a million times greater than the DNA-containing cells of their hosts.



Coronaviruses have a slightly lower mutation rate than many other RNA viruses because they can do some light genetic proofreading.But its not enough that it prevents these mutations from accumulating,says virologist Louis Mansky, the director for the Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of Minnesota. So as the novel coronavirus ran amok around the world, it was inevitable that a range of variants would arise.

冠狀病毒具有比諸多其他RNA病毒,稍低的突變率。因為,它們能進行一些輕微的基因校對。病毒學家Louis Mansky(美國明尼蘇達大學,分子病毒學研究所所長)宣稱:「不過,這阻止此些突變積累,是不夠的。」 因此,隨著新型冠狀病毒,在世界各地肆虐,難免會出現一系列變異體。


The true mutation rate of a virus is difficult to measure though. Most of those mutations are going to be lethal to the virus, and youll never see them in the actively growing, evolving virus population, Mansky says.



Instead, genetic surveys of sick people can help determine whats known as the fixation rate, which is a measure of how often accumulated mutations become fixed within a viral population. Unlike mutation rate, this is measured over a period of time. So the more a virus spreads, the more opportunities it has to replicate, the higher its fixation rate will be, and the more the virus will evolve, Duffy says.



For SARS-CoV-2, scientists estimate that one mutation becomes established in the population every 11 days or so. But this process may not always happen at a steady pace.



In December 2020, the variant B.1.1.7 caught scientistsattention when its 23 mutations seemed to suddenly crop up as the virus rampaged through Kent, England.

2020 12 月,隨著病毒在英國肯特郡肆虐,變異體B.1.1.7似乎突然出現其23個突變時,引起了科學家們的注意。


Some scientists speculate that a chronically ill patient provided more opportunities for replication and mutation, and the use of therapies such as convalescent plasma may have pressured the virus to evolve. Not every change was necessarily useful to the virus, Duffy notes, yet some mutations that emerged allowed the variant to spread rapidly.



Mutations drive evolution, but they are not the only way that a virus can change over time. Some viruses, like influenza, have other ways to increase their diversity.



Influenza is made up of eight genetic segments, which can be rearrangeda process called reassortmentif multiple viruses infect a single cell to replicate at the same time.



As the viral progeny are packaged into their protein capsules, the RNA segments from the parent viruses can be mixed and matched like viral Legos. This process can cause rapid shifts in the viral function. For example, reassortments of flu strains circulating in pigs, birds, and humans led to the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic.



The influenza virus is a recurring nightmare, killing thousands of people each year. Learn how the virus attacks its host, why it's nearly impossible to eradicate, and what scientists are doing to combat it.



Unlike influenza, however, coronaviruses possess no physical segmentation to undergo reassortment. Coronaviruses can experience some shifts in function through a process known as recombination, when segments of one viral genome are spliced onto another by the enzyme making the viral copy. But researchers are still working to determine how important this process is for SARS-CoV-2s evolution.



Understanding these evolutionary dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 is vital to ensure that treatments and vaccines keep pace with the virus. For now, the available vaccines are effective in preventing severe disease from all the viral variants.



And the study of SARS-CoV-2s evolution could help answer another looming question: Where did the virus come from? While the disease likely originated from bats, there are still missing chapters in the tale of SARS-CoV-2s leap to human hosts. Filling in these blanks could help us learn how to protect ourselves in the future.





翻譯: 許東榮

台長: peregrine
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