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2004-07-24 23:52:13| 人氣121| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

i''m in korea

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we bought lots of cheap clothing here...
it looks like free when i pick those ones..

yestarday..we haved dinner and kopi with kim min-woo..kim tae-ju..heidy....we weren so happy and really have good time...you will never know how handsome and friendly kim min-woo oba was..also he wanna to go to the airport for my friend i-chin..althought she was a little angry at that time...because what?because i rub the main character....

i'm going to make a wish...make a wiah..

i'll try hard for combining them...or make them closer

PS:i think my friend..she is crazy..and lost herself in seoul...

i'll be back....for more hot and spicy food
until i'm angry....

台長: 安潔莉納皮
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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