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2005-12-18 23:31:27| 人氣51| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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laitracy2003: thanks
Gallaway: your welcome
laitracy2003: if he is not nice i would say bye to him
laitracy2003: haha
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: yeah
laitracy2003: now i don’t decide where i study
Gallaway: ohhh
laitracy2003: maybe in shenghai or taiwan
Gallaway: yeah
laitracy2003: if i study in shenghai i am not with my mom or boyfriend
laitracy2003: i am with my dad and still work with my dad...
Gallaway: ohh...
laitracy2003: and understand more big china market
laitracy2003: and my dad’s compnay become stronger
laitracy2003: next time you come here... i take you to many place
Gallaway: more money foruto spend
laitracy2003: you can have free anything we made
Gallaway: oh okay...you can send me a present
Gallaway: in the mail
laitracy2003: in shenghai you can know many outstanding poeple
laitracy2003: hehe
laitracy2003: like some bussinessman
Gallaway: haha
laitracy2003: you can know some poeple come from USA or italy or japan or....
laitracy2003: many country
Gallaway: yeah
Gallaway: we are going to visit you one day
laitracy2003: ok
laitracy2003: welcome
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: lol
laitracy2003: if i go back to taiwan
laitracy2003: i am with my mom and boyfriend
Gallaway: ohhok
Gallaway: yes
Gallaway: i dont have a boyfriend
laitracy2003: i will have job the same as my mom
laitracy2003: good
Gallaway: not good
Gallaway: haha
laitracy2003: go to taiwan to find good boy here
laitracy2003: come to taiwan
laitracy2003: you want taiwan boys?
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: i like american boys
laitracy2003: why?
Gallaway: what are you drinking
laitracy2003: you should try another country boy
laitracy2003: hehe
laitracy2003: water
laitracy2003: you don’t like water
Gallaway: ohh
laitracy2003: i still want to have italy boy
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: yes i like water
laitracy2003: really?
Gallaway: what is your boyfriend?
Gallaway: chinese?
laitracy2003: taiwan
laitracy2003: but i want italy man
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: ohok
Gallaway: haha
laitracy2003: i think italy man is nice
Gallaway: you going to dump your boyfriend to find an itialian boy
laitracy2003: hehe
laitracy2003: i don’t know
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: you are crazy
laitracy2003: ask god
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: make a funny face
Gallaway: so i can see
Gallaway: haha
laitracy2003: America boys don’t always buy present for girls
laitracy2003: but in taiwan some boys do
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: presents are good
laitracy2003: yes
laitracy2003: some is nice
laitracy2003: some boys pay bill when we go out
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: goooood
laitracy2003: yes
laitracy2003: not go duct
Gallaway: what
laitracy2003: not you pay your bill and he pay his bill
laitracy2003: hehe
laitracy2003: i forgot how to spell go duch
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: yeah
laitracy2003: hehe
laitracy2003: you like my room?
Gallaway: yes
Gallaway: it is pretty
Gallaway: and youhave a big bed
laitracy2003: eheh
laitracy2003: yes
laitracy2003: for you
laitracy2003: next time you come here live with me
laitracy2003: we have eight room
laitracy2003: and three nobody lived
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: ok
Gallaway: i will come oneday
laitracy2003: oh... i don’t know next summer vacation what am i doing
laitracy2003: my italy friend may come to visit me
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: fun
Gallaway: u could come visit me
laitracy2003: and he and i may take a trip in china or taiwan
Gallaway: oh
laitracy2003: oh yes
laitracy2003: you can join us
laitracy2003: hehe
laitracy2003: he is handsome and nice
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: okay
laitracy2003: do you see his pictures beofore?
Gallaway: i might have
Gallaway: in an email you sent?
laitracy2003: yes
laitracy2003: you like?
laitracy2003: i show your picture to him... he said you are pretty
Gallaway: yes
Gallaway: you are very pretty and skinny
laitracy2003: haha
laitracy2003: no
laitracy2003: you are skinny and so pretty
laitracy2003: and next time you and i take a trip to italy
laitracy2003: his house is big too
laitracy2003: he would love you come to italy
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: okay
Gallaway: we might can do that one day
laitracy2003: yes
laitracy2003: he is so nice
laitracy2003: like you are so nice too
laitracy2003: now i save my money
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: me 2
laitracy2003: when i become rich woman i will pay your ticket
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: okay
Gallaway: that sounds like a good idea!
laitracy2003: how much money do you save?
laitracy2003: you don’t know?
Gallaway: i dont know
laitracy2003: 1000??
laitracy2003: or more?
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: i dont know
Gallaway: what ar eyou doing
laitracy2003: nothing
laitracy2003: i have about 3000 or more
laitracy2003: i can not remember
laitracy2003: it is not a lot
laitracy2003: but i really try to save it
Gallaway: oh my goodness
Gallaway: you going to share some of that money with me?
laitracy2003: hah
laitracy2003: next time
Gallaway: my birthday is coming up
laitracy2003: it is past?
Gallaway: in July!
laitracy2003: yes
Gallaway: do you know how old i am?
laitracy2003: i know it is past
laitracy2003: 18
laitracy2003: i guest
Gallaway: haha no
Gallaway: guess again
laitracy2003: 17?
laitracy2003: 16
Gallaway: nope
Gallaway: 16
laitracy2003: yes
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: i can drive now
Gallaway: i have a car
laitracy2003: good
Gallaway: yep
laitracy2003: i can not driv
laitracy2003: e
Gallaway: hahaha
laitracy2003: i always take bus
laitracy2003: or taxi
Gallaway: oh
Gallaway: i like to drive, it’s fun
laitracy2003: or we have a driver
laitracy2003: yes
Gallaway: oh
laitracy2003: i hate you can drive
Gallaway: beause you have money you can have your own driver
Gallaway: i don’t have money to pay for a driver
laitracy2003: now
Gallaway: hahaha
laitracy2003: not
Gallaway: rich people
laitracy2003: he is my dad’s driver
Gallaway: haha..just kidding
laitracy2003: not mine
laitracy2003: i will take driver lesson
Gallaway: yes
Gallaway: well i think i am going to go to bed
Gallaway: i have to go to church in the morning
Gallaway: i will talk to you later...okay?
laitracy2003: hehe
laitracy2003: ok
laitracy2003: i want to show you some thing
Gallaway: have a good day, tell your boyfriend i said HEY
Gallaway: whats that
Gallaway: a necklace?
laitracy2003: gold necklace
laitracy2003: yes
Gallaway: that’s pretty
Gallaway: is it yours
laitracy2003: my frinds want me to help him for buying from taiwan
Gallaway: ohhhhokay
Gallaway: i see
laitracy2003: i bought it is from taiwan
Gallaway: it is pretty
laitracy2003: i go back one money ago
Gallaway: what did you buy me for christmas
laitracy2003: no it is too expensive
Gallaway: what are you laughing for
laitracy2003: no this time
laitracy2003: next time
Gallaway: you are crazy
laitracy2003: when i save a lot money
Gallaway: okayy
laitracy2003: i may buy for you
laitracy2003: it is real gold
laitracy2003: 24k
Gallaway: okay, i will looking for it in the mail
Gallaway: wow, that is verrrry pretty
laitracy2003: it is very different
Gallaway: yea
laitracy2003: taiwan and USA are differ
laitracy2003: ent
Gallaway: ohh
Gallaway: yes
laitracy2003: dont you think so?
Gallaway: i seeee
Gallaway: yes
laitracy2003: i never see 24 k gold in USA
laitracy2003: almost 18K
Gallaway: me either
laitracy2003: no
laitracy2003: 14k in uSA
Gallaway: yea
laitracy2003: in taiwan almost 18k
laitracy2003: i have some 18 k
laitracy2003: i want to show you my ring
Gallaway: where did you get that
Gallaway: your boyfriend?
Gallaway: that is pretty too
laitracy2003: ex boyfriends
laitracy2003: haha
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: ohhh
Gallaway: pretty
Gallaway: i bet it was expensive
laitracy2003: it is real dimoad
laitracy2003: another one
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: who are u talking to
Gallaway: your boyfriend?
laitracy2003: wait
Gallaway: ok
laitracy2003: gueat
Gallaway: haha, well i have to go to sleep
Gallaway: i have to get up early
Gallaway: i will talk to you later
Gallaway: tell your boyfriend i said Hi!
laitracy2003: wait
laitracy2003: my guest
laitracy2003: he wants me to have some business
Gallaway: ohhokay
laitracy2003: but i refuse
Gallaway: why
laitracy2003: because time is late
Gallaway: ohokay
laitracy2003: i can not time to do this business
Gallaway: i have to go to bed
laitracy2003: so i refuse him
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: i will talk to you tomorrow maybe?
laitracy2003: wait
Gallaway: ring
Gallaway: ?
Gallaway: it looks pretty
Gallaway: ohh
Gallaway: i see
laitracy2003: hehe
Gallaway: prettttty
laitracy2003: really?
Gallaway: yes
laitracy2003: if i am boy
laitracy2003: i may buy one for you
laitracy2003: oh..
Gallaway: hahaha
laitracy2003: yes
Gallaway: okay
laitracy2003: do you wear earing?
laitracy2003: i give you before?
Gallaway: yes
Gallaway: i do
Gallaway: i like them alot
Gallaway: they are pretty
laitracy2003: i don’t remember how many i bough for you
Gallaway: u bought me some braceletes too
Gallaway: and some earrings
laitracy2003: oh..yes
laitracy2003: i don’t remember
laitracy2003: too busy
laitracy2003: haha
Gallaway: haha
Gallaway: i have to go to sleep now
Gallaway: i will talk to you tomorrow
laitracy2003: does mom like necklace before i boght?
Gallaway: yes
Gallaway: she loves it
Gallaway: i will talk to you tomorrow
Gallaway: goodnight...or good day
laitracy2003: ok
laitracy2003: haha
laitracy2003: talk you tomorrow
laitracy2003: don’t forget to go on line
Gallaway: okay..tell your boyfriend i said hello
Gallaway: i wont
Gallaway: love u..good night and day
laitracy2003: don forget talk with your sister tomorrow
laitracy2003: me too
Gallaway: i wont forget
Gallaway: dont you forget
laitracy2003: what time do you go one line?
Gallaway: about 9:00 or 10:00 at night
laitracy2003: ok
Gallaway: like we did tonight
laitracy2003: ok
Gallaway: okay talk to you then
laitracy2003: ok
Gallaway: byebye
laitracy2003: love you
laitracy2003: 88
Gallaway: love u 2
Gallaway: byebye
Gallaway has signed out. (2005/12/18 下午 11:15)

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