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2009-11-22 23:23:44| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

very sad

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daidai :

where are you going?

master :


daidai :

sounds so sad...

master :


dai dai :

... where are you now?

why don't want to stay in world?

master :

at home.....bro said bad words at me.

dai dai :

then you can hide his food?

master :

ha..hmm...he felt i didnt take care of my father..dad was sick

dai dai :

kidnap his child?

=( but you're a good kid. i'm sure you took care of ur dad

master :

my bro lived in hosipital

but i didnt

he said im "不要臉的女人"

so... i was very sad these days

dai dai :

... that's very mean...

master :


dai dai :

ur a good girl

he's just... stressed...

master :

i cried everyday when i was alone..home or office

i know he is just stressed...that's all right. But i cant sleep and not want to eat...

dai dai :

... believe in yourself...

and when you get emotional... go spend time with dad =)

master :

ok i did.

dai dai :

and at worst... just ignore bro... and pinch the kid....hahaa...

master :

haha....i will try...ha...

dai dai :

smile more too.  even if you are sad... i think your dad will feel better seeing your smile

master :

I always smile when I take care of him, but i also felt sad because ma and dad didnt prevent something....

dai dai :

... doesn't mean they don't care. maybe they are just focused on dad.

and think the kids will work things out

master :

i know. thank you

dai dai :

no need to thank la.  silly


Dear H,






Dear H,我想你已經發現了我愛逃避的個性。如果這就是人生的話,我只希望,能對我愛的人公平一點,對你公平一點。然後,做錯的事有機會彌補,來不急做的事有時間去做。



台長: 帕西歐姆
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