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【推薦產品】Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set 限時下殺挖好康


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Concord NEO PLUS Baby - Set 設計式樣: Tawny Beige · 2019

Stylish, modern and super agile! The Concord NEO PLUS Baby - Set accompanies you and your baby from birth throughout the entire buggy time.

The Concord Baby - Set contains the extravagant Concord NEO PLUS buggy and the unique SCOUT folding carrycot. With this set you can transport your baby safely and comfortably right from the very first day. A rain cover and canopy which come in a matching colour make your Concord NEO the perfect companion.

The Concord NEO is a sporty buggy with elaborate chassis. With its unique Y-FRAME front axle and its delicate rhomboid suspension, it ensures high manoeuvrability and excellent road holding. The buggy NEO is super versatile and can even be used as a mobile highchair. The parking brake on the push bar is easy to use with only one hand. The seat of the buggy can be installed in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode - that way, you can decide whether you want to look at your baby while driving or else let him/ her discover the world around. According to experience, eye contact in the first few months is much more pleasant for parents and child.

In addition to this, you can also adjust the inclination of the seat. This way, sitting and reclining positions can be individually adapted to the needs of your child. Is there any dirt from your adventures outside bothering you? No problem! The covers of the Concord Neo can be removed and washed easily. The Concord Neo also features an adjustable canopy made of high-quality, elastic 3D fabric (with UV protection 50 +) which is water-repellent and washable. With the canopy, the built-in wind protection blanket for the legs and the universal rain cover you and your child are well equipped whatever the weather. The spacious shopping basket of the buggy offers you enough space for storing the changing bag, security blankets and a lot more. With its innovative folding mechanism and its extremely small folded size of only L 74 x W 61 x H 39 cm, the buggy NEO PLUS is easy to transport.

Details Concord Buggy NEO PLUS:

  • New, large seat unit which is suitable right from birth

  • Extra-large adjustable sun canopy made of high-quality material, with UV protection 50+; water-resistant and washable

  • Height-adjustable push bar

  • Parking brake on push bar, can be used comfortably with only one hand

  • Built-in wind protection for the legs

  • Inclination of seat can be adjusted

  • Ideal seat height for being used at the table

  • Seat can be installed in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode

  • Spacious shopping basket

  • Delicate rhomboid suspension

  • Innovative Y-FRAME front axle

  • Independent suspension

  • New design of the wheels - white coloured rims

  • Perfect road holding and high manoeuvrability

  • Including universal rain cover (also suitable for SCOUT)

  • Cover can be removed and washed

  • Innovative folding mechanism - extremely small and compact folded size

  • Weight: 13.8 kg

  • Weight without seat unit: 10 kg

  • Dimensions unfolded (LxWxH): 95 x 61 x 110 cm

  • 暢銷排行 超人氣產品
  • Dimensions folded (LxWxH): 74 x 61 x 39 cm

Details Concord Folding Carrycot Scout:

  • Folding carrycot Scout for Concord Buggy Neo Plus

  • Large foldable sun canopy

  • Safe carrying thanks to sturdy straps

  • Travel system adaptor - easy attachment

  • Dimensions L 84 x W 45 x H 56 cm

  • Folding size L 48 x W 44 x H 27 cm

  • Weight 4.7 kg




Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set






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這項草簽儀式今天下午在首爾外交部大樓舉行,由南韓外交部韓美防衛費分擔談判代表張元三,以及美方談判代表貝茲(Timothy Betts)在協定上簽字。

南韓外交部長官康京和(Kang Kyung-wha)表示,這是一個很漫長的過程,但終究是一個成功的過程。







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Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

推薦, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

討論, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

部落客, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

比較評比, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

使用評比, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

開箱文, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

?推薦, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

評測文, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

CP值, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

評鑑大隊, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

部落客推薦, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set

好用嗎?, Concord NEO PLUS Baby – Set


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