可是買了房子後,才發現家裡需要 Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pebble Plus奢華運動Rachel Zoe系列
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實在是有點不方便,在網路上比價找了許久,終於發現便宜的Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pebble Plus奢華運動Rachel Zoe系列
附上連結給有需要Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pebble Plus奢華運動Rachel Zoe系列
Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seat Pebble Plus - Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection 2019
Maxi-Cosi's Pebble Plus is an
i-Size norm (R129) certified infant car seat which is suitable for children right from birth up to a size of approx. 75 cm (approx. 1 year of age). Its trendy look contributes to the car seat's classiness and
elegance. Being inspired by the designer Rachel Zoe the infant car seat Pebble Plus features a touch of
glamour and luxury. The i-Size safety provides optimised safety standards and ensures increased protection of baby's head and neck while supplying your child with extra high side impact protection.
Group/ weight category:
- Group 0+
- Suitable for babies right from birth up to a size of approx. 75 cm
Conforms to the norm:熱銷產品限定產品The soft and smooth
2018年最新款 "Baby-Hugg" seat optimiser literally embraces your baby and supplies him with a cosy recline position from the very first day on. The upper side wing is made of energy-absorbing materials and thus ensures maximum safety.
The Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus can be installed in your car either by using the car's own seat belt or the Maxi-Cosi 2Way Fix (not included in delivery). If you use the infant car seat in combination with the 2Way Fix, its base is to be attached to the Isofix hooks in your vehicle - this way, a strong and solid connection with the car's body is ensured. With only one click you can then attach the Pebble Plus to the 2Way Fix. If the infant car seat is to be installed in your car by using the regular seat belt, special belt positioners reduce the risk of misuse.
Please note: The infant car seats are to be attached in a rear-facing mode always!The Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus is equipped with a three-point harness. The
"Easy-Out" system has been designed with
belts that stay open and wide apart which makes it particularly easy for you to fasten and release your little one.
A height adjustment contributes to even more comfort. When your child grows step by step, you can adjust the height of both headrest and harness simultaneously. If the cover got stained or dirty you can detach it and wash it by hand.
The Maxi-Cosi infant car seat Pebble Plus features a weight of only 4,55kg and can be combined with many strollers and prams - this way, you can always create a practical travel system. Many trendy designs of the Pebble Plus add some more colour to your little one's childhood and will delight them immediately.
- Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection
- Group 0+/ body height of 45 to 75 cm
- Norm: i-Size - R 129
- Installation in car by using three-point belt or 2Way Fix (not included in delivery)
- Installation in rear-facing mode
- Certified and approved for air travel
- Simultaneous adjustment of head pad and harness
- Innovative "Easy-Out" harness
- Including sun canopy
- Including seat optimiser "Baby Hugg" for new-born babies
- Three-point harness
- Innovative side protection system
- Size: 44 x 67 x 56 cm
- Weight: 4,55 kg
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慶新春 大都會博物館 推豬年主題展
高雄《除草劑管理自治條例》 非農地噴除草劑最高罰5萬
2018年05月11日 上稿編輯: 鄒敏惠 環境資訊中心特約記者 李育琴高雄報導
繼宜蘭縣、台北市之後,高雄市政府也將限制除草劑在非農地使用,昨(10)日高雄市議會三讀通過「高雄市除草劑管理自治條例」,強調為維護環境生態和市民健康,有效管理除草劑之使用,高雄市非農業區土地禁止使用除草劑,違者可罰5000至5萬元。自治條例將於公告後6個月上路。 張豐藤說,高雄立法後,希望非農地禁用除草劑可以擴及全國。攝影:李育琴
張豐藤說,過去經常公法人或行政單位發包道路除草業務,卻發生濫用除草劑的情形,希望透過條文明定加嚴處罰,但最終仍決定交由主管單位依行為情節進行裁處。市議員陳信瑜也強調,自治條例訂定後,重要的是主管單位主動查緝、監督,不要任意放水。未來民眾發現非農地濫用除草劑,可向環保局檢舉,進行開罰。 荒野保護協會積極推動除草劑禁用,以保護生物多樣性,希望未來農業用地也能減少使用除草劑。攝影:李育琴
荒野保護協會表示,生物多樣性是人類生存的基礎,許多生物仰賴野草區域棲息,因此不應以趕盡殺絕的態度面對野草,以管理策略取代噴灑除草劑,才是符合環境永續的方式。目前環保署毒物及化學物質局正在建立「非農地雜草管理指引」,待指引公布,各部會與地方政府將可依循協助民眾在非農地範圍,不使用除草劑也能有效管理野草。 延伸閱讀
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