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㊣ Lewes' easy-cook recipe

1 Non-stick Chinese wok with a lid

Ingredients (serves two):
2 chopped drumsticks (in dices)
1/2 onion (thinly sliced)
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic

(1) 2 tablespoon oyster souse
1 tablespoon corn powder
1/2 teaspoon sugar
3 drops sesame oil (optional)
1 teaspoon Chinese rice wine (optional)

(2) few tablespoons vegetable oil

(3) 1/4 cup water

(4) 1 spring onion
Combine all the ingredients (1).
Marinate the chicken with ingredients (1) for 3 mins.

Heat the (2) oil in the non-stick wok. Briefly stir fry the minced garlic for 5 seconds. Add the chicken and cook, stirring until brown.

Stir in the onion with the chicken for 20~30 seconds.

Add the (3) water, cover and simmer over low heat for approximately 3 mins longer until the chicken is cooked.

Remove and sprinkle with some spring onion if you want.

圖:1999,倫敦宿舍內 ~ 聖誕烤雞大餐。

台長: Lewes
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