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【超實用】Nike Air Max 1 Premium Retro - 12302241 最新出版首選

最近在網路上看很多鄉民都很推薦Nike Air Max 1 Premium Retro - 12302241

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1987 年,Nike Air Max 1 首次讓全球粉絲見證 Nike Air 緩震系統; 而這款 Nike Air Max 1 Premium Retro 男鞋以頂級材質重新演繹經典設計,造型更顯出眾。


  • 皮革、麂皮和網布鞋面
  • 泡棉鞋底具備 Max Air 緩震效果
  • 橡膠外底
  • 顯示顏色: Dark Curry/Sport Blue/黑色/True White
  • 款式: 908366-700
  • 原產國/地區: 中國

  • Nike Air Max 緣起

    1978 年時,Nike 的革命性 Air-Sole 氣墊成為 Nike 鞋款中的一部分。1987 年推出的 Nike Air Max 1,鞋跟位置的氣墊首次外露亮相,讓粉絲不只能感覺到 Air-Sole 的舒適,而是可以親眼見到它了。自此而後,新一代的 Nike Air Max 鞋款都因大膽亮眼的配色與可靠輕盈的緩震效果,深受運動員與收藏家的青睞。

    訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

    • 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達

    • 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

    訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

    NikePlus 會員可享免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

    5 顆星

    Best Nikes!!

    RichardP43710343 - May 25, 2018

    This was my first time ordering Nikes. The first pair of these I bought were as a gift for my boyfriend. I scoured the internet and checked them out in store- basically, I did a heck of a lot of research before my purchase. After a week of him talking about how much he like his shoes, I ended also buying a pair for myself ;)

    The fit:

    He loves how comfortable they are, and they fit him exactly to size. He is a size 12.

    I am a women's 6.5 and ordered these as a 4.5 youth and they are the perfect size for me.

    The support:

    He wears his all the time. He walks in them extensively, plays basketball and even just wears them out and around (they look awesome!)

    For me, the cushioning on these is exactly what I needed to help with my low back pain. The shoe has enough support and structure to work just right. I wear them for walking, hip hop dance, and also just around. They are quite versatile.

    Other pros:

    Super easy to take on and off.

    Breathable yet protective.


    They only thing that seemed a bit off bout these was this weird little crinkle that happens in the top of the shoe when you transition your weight from your heel to the ball of your foot. It seems that it's just there until you break them in. His is already gone and after three wears I hardly notice anymore. It's not a huge deal, and like I said it goes away quickly.

    Really glad I went with these.


    每人限購一 (1) 雙




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