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急~幫我把英文翻譯成中文 20點





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麻煩各位高手翻譯 ...The survey promotion above is being offered by ecnresearch. If you no longer wish to receive survey promotions from ECN Research,you can either use the unsubscribe link below or write to the following address:IronTraffic,244 Madison Ave. #341 New York, NY 10016. Be sure to include a copy of... 顯示更多 麻煩各位高手翻譯 ... The survey promotion above is being offered by ecnresearch. If you no longer wish to receive survey promotions from ECN Research, you can either use the unsubscribe link below or write to the following address: IronTraffic,244 Madison Ave. #341 New York, NY 10016. Be sure to include a copy of the advertisement in your correspondence. , according to our records on this date To unsubscribe click here. If you cannot click the link, copy and paste this link into your browser If you no longer wish to receive emails from click here 更新: Please allow 24 hours to have your email removed from the mailing list. 那這個又是什麼意思?? 麻煩各位高手了~"~


The survey promotion above is being offered by ecnresearch. 由 ecnresearch 提供上述的調查推廣。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you no longer wish to receive survey promotions from ECN Research, 如果你不再想從 ECN 研究, 接收調查促銷 ------------------------------------------------------------ you can either use the unsubscribe link below or write to the following address: 您可以使用下面的取消訂閱連結, 或寫入以下位址: -------------------------------------------------------------------- IronTraffic,244 麥迪森 Ave.# 341 新 紐約, 10016。 一定要包括在信件中的廣告的副本。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe click here. If you cannot click the link, 根據對我們在此日期的記錄 要取消按一下此處。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy and paste this link into your browser 如果不能按一下該的連結複製並將此連結黏貼您的網址 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you no longer wish to receive emails from click here 如果您不再希望接收電子郵件從點擊這裡 2009-08-14 10:34:44 補充: 翻譯...... 請允許24小時內將您 的電子郵件刪除郵寄名單。


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