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2007-06-17 14:37:08| 人氣62| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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尤其是她的A new day has come【真愛來臨】,還有很多啦!只是我對這首就是情有獨鍾,嘻!

A New Day Has Come(Radio Remix)
詞曲:Aldo Nova/Stephan Moccio 編曲:Aldo Nova/Stephan Moccio

A new day...
A new day...

I was waiting
for so long
For a miracle to come
Everyone told me
to be strong
Hold on and
don’t shed a tear

Through the darkness
and good times
I knew I’d make
it through
And the world
thought I had it all
But I was
waiting for you

Hush, love

I see a light in the sky
Oh, it’s almost blinding me
I can’t believe
I’ve been touched
by an angel with love

Let the rain come down
and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul
and drown my fears
Let it shatter the
walls for a new, new sun

A new day has... come

Where it was dark now
there’s light
Where there was
pain now there’s joy
Where there was weakness,
I found my strength
All in the eyes of a boy

Hush, love

I see a light in the sky
Oh, it’s almost blinding me
I can’t believe
I’ve been touched
by an angel with love

Let the rain come down
and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul
and drown my fears
Let it shatter
the walls for a new,
new sun

A new day has...

Let the rain come down
and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul
and drown my fears
Let it shatter the
walls for a new, new sun

A new day has... come

Ohhh, a light

Hush, now

I see a light in your eyes
All in the eyes of the boy

I can’t believe
I’ve been touched
by an angel with love

I can’t believe
I’ve been touched
by an angel with love

Hush, now
A new day...
Hush, now
A new day...


台長: Ning
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嗯嗯!!!我一直一直都絕得celin的聲音好美好美!! 以前超愛她的專輯的!
2007-06-18 04:27:39
對呀~她很讚^^ 每次聽她的歌,就覺得好舒服~~飄飄然地,ha~
2007-06-18 11:54:12
最美的愛是 神的愛呀~
2007-06-18 22:18:52
^_^ha~ yes!it is!她的聲音也是神所賜予、所喜愛的唷~
2007-06-19 12:26:03
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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