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【夏季最新款】Inglesina -便推- Zippy Light 購物


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Inglesina Buggy Zippy Light 設計式樣: Brick Red · 2019

In order to make your everyday life with your little one a bit easier the lightweight Inglesina Buggy Zippy Light has been designed with a patented fold/ unfold mechanism - this way you always have a hand free for your tiny bundle of joy.

This trendy buggy is suitable for children at the age of 6 months on. When combined with the New-Born Set Sweet Puppy (sold separately) you can even use it right from birth. The Zippy Light is a particularly slender buggy and only 49 cm wide. Thus, it is extremely light and easy to manoeuvre through town. Swivel front wheels that rotate 360° as well as a full-length push bar contribute to the buggy's manoeuvrability and thus save your day when traveling by public transport or driving through narrow passageways. If you drive on rough surfaces, you can easily lock the front wheels for better stability. All-wheel suspension provides a smooth ride.

Riding in the colourful Inglesina Buggy Zippy your little bundle of joy is provided with maximum comfort. Of course, the seat is super spacious and well-padded. The backrest can be adjusted to a full recline position and also the footrest is adjustable in order to make your little one feel cosy and cuddled up when he or she wishes to take a nap. A height-adjustable five-point harness protects your child properly. Furthermore, the Zippy Light comes with a huge canopy with SPF 50+ that provides full shade and optimum protection against direct sunlight. A super practical ventilation panel made of breathable mesh material lets you have an eye on your child and supplies him or her with a cool breeze on a hot day.

A practical bottle holder, a large shopping ba人氣產品最近流行商品sket as well as a rain cover come with this colourful buggy.


  • Available in various designs

  • Suitable from approx. 6 months on

  • When combined with the New-Born Set Sweet Puppy (sold separately!) suitable right from birth

  • One-hand fold/ unfold mechanism, free standing

  • Suspension in all four wheels, ball bearing wheels, lockable swivel front wheels

  • Sun protection SPF 50+, ventilation panel integrated in canopy

  • Adjustable backrest and footrest

  • Incl. rain cover, bottle holder, shopping basket

  • Cover: detachable, washable as directed

  • Size open: H 101,5 x W 49 cm; size folded: H 96 x W 32 cm

  • Weight: 6,9 kg

  • Made in Italy




Inglesina ?便推? Zippy Light





「難以抗拒兒子要求」 母親溺愛獻身真亂倫


據外媒報導,這名母親拒絕不了兒子的要求,兩人發生1至6次的性行為,甚至為了討好兒子,這名母親還會穿上兒子喜歡的內褲、胸罩跟靴子。然而母子相姦的亂倫戲碼被人發現,該名母親的律師博起(Simon Burch)幫忙辯護,強調她從來沒有主動要求兒子發生性行為,只是難以抗拒兒子的要求,「沒有一次是她主動要做愛,也從來沒有鼓勵兒子和她做愛」。



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Inglesina ?便推? Zippy Light

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