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Hauck 餐椅 Sitn Relax
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Hauck Highchair Sit'n Relax 設計式樣: Birdie · 2018
The perfect highchair for new-born babies.
The Hauck highchair Sit'n Relax enables your little one to take part in everyday family life right from the very first day. Due to the two highchairs which can be adjusted in seven different levels, you can have your little one close to you no matter at which table you take your seats.
The smart Sit'n Relax highchair by Hauck features a newborn highchair and a kids' highchair that can both be exchanged in less than no time.
The cuddly newborn highchair features a three-point harness and is perfect for your baby to recline from the very first day. In order to make your little one feel exceptionally well, you can easily adjust the backrest with only one hand. The cute figures on the mobile encourage your child to play with them and also foster his or her motor skills. The mobile can be moved to the side or else detached completely.
As soon as your child is able to sit unaided, you can move on to the kids' highchair. The wide, ergonomically shaped seat is particularly comfortable. Its backrest can be adjusted until it reaches a recline position while the footrest can be adapted perfectly to the height of your little one.
The Hauck highchair Sit'n Relax is suitable for your child to take his meals at his own table or else at the adults' table together with the rest of the family. The five-point harness as well as a built-in crotch strap provide optimum support. The large food and play tray can be adjusted in depth and provides unrestricted seating. The convenient recess for cups or bottles as well as the heightened edge make sure that everything stays on the tray. In case of a little mishap, you can easily detach the tray and clean it. When not in use, you can hang it on the highchair's frame.
Toys and other items can be stored in the large filing basket. If required, you can easily move the Sit'n Relax by using its two casters or else fold it to a space-saving size. Due to its dual function you can use the Sit'n Relax for a very long time.
- Smart highchair combo which is suitable from 0 months and up
- Two comfortable highchairs for newborn babies and children in one product
- Height-adjustable in seven different positions
- Highchair for newborn feature adjustable backrest and play bar
- Highchair for children features adjustable backrest and footrest
- Including detachable and depth-adjustable food tray
- Large filing basket
- Casters
- Can be wiped clean easily
- Height-adjustable highchair for newborn babies
- Adjustable recline area
- One-hand adjustment of backrest
- Detachable cover
- Adjustable and detachable mobile
- Three-point harness
- Suitable from 0 months up to 9 kg
Features of KIDS' HIGHCHAIR:
- Height-adjustable highchair for children
- Detachable and depth-adjustable food tray
- Food tray with recess for cups and bottles
- Backrest can be adjusted in three different levels
- One-hand adjustment of backrest
- Footrest can be adjusted in two different positions
- Five-point harness
- Suitable from 6 months up to 15 kg
Dimensions and weights:
- Dimensions folded (max.): 30 x 53 x 93 cm
- Dimensions unfolded: 84 x 58 x 105 cm
- Weight of newborn highchair unit: 1,7 kg
- Weight of kids' highchair unit: 3,3 kg
- Weight of frame: 5,4 kg
Items delivered:
- Frame
- Newborn highchair unit
- Kids' highchair unit
- Food tray
- Play bar
- Filing basket
- Casters
Hauck 餐椅 Sitn Relax
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Hauck 餐椅 Sitn Relax
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