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2005-03-08 12:01:04| 人氣155| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

"Amazing" Morning Grace

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God is trust... is love...always let me like the more
"amazing" something.

Thank you very much an-hong . your encourage so wonderful.^Q^

God bless you and your family~

"Amazing" Morning Grace haha!nice~

----- Original Message -----
From: "JOHN LIU"
To: Morning Grace
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 5:19 PM
Subject: The "amazing" Morning Grace

Dear "Amazing" Morning Grace,

I was really amazed to see how capable you are in doing all sorts of works yesterday.
You are incredible. I am really impressed.

Anyway, I really want to tell about my sharing of 四律 with I-TAI on Sunday morning.

Basically, I knew I-TAI is on duty with a new production project as I was several years ago.I know that it is a hard work and sometime it is really frustrated. Therefore, I encourage I-TAI with my own experience when I was on duty for an important project. I told I-TAI that prayers can help you walk through all the frustrations. All the technical problems can be solved by prayers which God will give us His wisdom to deal with them. I gave I-TAI several examples how my prayers were answered.I also encourage I-TAI to pray as well.

Then, I shared why we are sinners. I told I-TAI that God creates the whole univeral with everything in it. Therefore, God knows everything and has the absolute ownship in this universal.
The sin is just simply meant "disobedience" to God. I use owning a house to illustrate the idea.
We have the absolute right to decide on our own house, so as God in His creation. Because of the disobedience, there is a huge gap lying between the sinful man and the holy God. No sinful man can use anything to cross the gap to meet the holy God.

After that, I told I-TAI that Jesus Christ is the only way to cross the gap to meet God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and obidient to God even to die on the cross, a perfect sacrifice. I also told I-TAI what made people die on the cross, not because of bleeding but because of suffocation. Then, I emphasized on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without resurrection, there is no hope for Christians.Why do you want
to trust a man who die? But there is hope to trust who died and rose from the death.

We just stopped here since the time was up.I-TAI asked one interesting question, "I am not a Christian, can I pray?"I answered, "Sure, why not?"

Therefore, if you get the chances, please pray with I-TAI so that I-TAI will know how to pray for himself.

I think you should know about this.

See you on Sunday.

All Because of His Precious Blood,


台長: MorNiNgGrAcE
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