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2004-01-20 00:50:51| 人氣27| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

New Year''s Party

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This photo was token in the 2004 New Year's Party at the Rutland.

It seems that the Rutland is my second home in Portsmouth!! We did the final count down. People were mad at that night after 1200. They kissed, hogged no matter if they knew each other or not. (Of course, I did too in order to integrate with the culture, but I did not kiss ... it is still a bit too much for me.)

Up to now, people are still talking about the new year's party though it is easter holiday! We have a BBQ at the Rutland (again).

People do like to have something different in daily life - is it because they like to change or because they are too boring?
I cannot judge.

台長: Baby Snake
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