最近在網路上看到很多人都很推薦春節送禮推薦過年送禮推薦Nike Air Zoom Structure 21 - 12245425
看了許多Nike Air Zoom Structure 21 - 12245425 文章、開箱、評價、心得分享等資訊後,
Nike Air Zoom Structure 21 - 12245425的CP值蠻高的,感覺還不賴,值得購買,在網路上買也很方便,最後決定買下來了~
Nike Air Zoom Structure 21 - 12245425 用過之後感覺真的很不賴,比我上次買的好用喔!!大力推薦!!!
平穩流暢。 輕盈穩定。
比前代更輕盈、更強韌的 Nike Air Zoom Structure 21 男款跑鞋,以其穩定性與支撐力成為高人氣款式。 更柔軟的輕量 Flymesh 材質,利於保持雙足涼爽;前足處的靈敏 Nike Zoom Air 緩震系統,打造彈力十足的足下敏捷感受。
一體成型的 Flymesh 材質,讓腳背的透氣性更好。 此版本的 Flymesh 材質&網路熱賣商品精選#x66F4;加輕盈,但支撐力依舊強悍不減。
結合 Flywire 與內足弓帶設計的 Dynamic Fit 技術,打造隨型貼合的穩定性。 頂端的兩個孔眼為強韌卻又極致輕盈的 Flywire 織線,與鞋帶搭配整合,在繫緊時會產生更大的支撐力。 此外,包覆足弓的彈性鬆緊帶,利於在跑步時保持雙足不滑動。
寬版的平坦外底及兩種類型的緩震機能,展現穩定性。 足弓側採用更加結實的緩震泡棉,外側則使用較為柔軟的泡棉。 這能在邁步時創造恰到好處的衝級防護能力與穩定性。
- 前足的 Nike Zoom Air 緩震系統,提供靈敏有彈力的步伐
- 堅實的鞋跟結構,展現支撐力
- 沿著鞋子底部的橡膠條設計,創造出全腳掌的平順受力感
- 重量:10.4 盎司/295 公克 (男款 10 號)
- 高差:10 公釐
- 顯示顏色: Obsidian/Thunder Grey/Vast Grey/Blue Hero
- 款式: 904695-404
- 原產國/地區: 中國
訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務
臺北市:- 標準運送的商品可於 2-6 個工作天內送達
- 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達
其它縣市:- 標準運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達
- 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達
訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)
NikePlus 會員可享
4 顆星
Not a good Extra Wide option for me
nasnas444 - Dec 03, 2018
When I first saw the Extra Wide section at Nike I thought I would be ordering from it alot. My first couple of choices worked out well. However, this shoe is not for me. It may be extra wide at some point in the shoe, but instead of staying wide it comes back in at the top. This is NOT a good choice for people with a wide toe box. Hopefully, there will be more 網路人氣產品top10人氣產品排行榜extra wide options that stay wide. It was nice to see a colorway that was not mostly black or mostly white, so I gave it a shot but this one was disappointing.
durable as a disposable razor
BruDog - Nov 23, 2018
Have purchased a few of this model in the last year. Find they wear out very quickly; I used them indoors (gym floor, aerobic studio, and treadmill) Very little street use but still the bottom of soles wear out very quickly. Style is nice nice which is why I gave them another try, second time around, I even rotated the shoes daily with another pair. Sole material just doesnt hold up to moderate use. Although I see on sale here today, you&特價產品超人氣商品#x27;ll have to buy another pair < 3 months, so not a savings.
Almost Perfect
DonovenM844413652 - Oct 01, 2018
I have had these shoes for about 3 months now, and I have ran about 350 miles in them. Aside from being dirty from the dirt trails, the shoes have held up surprisingly well. However, it is important to note that the quality of running in them has declined since I started running in them. They work very well with my custom insoles that I use. The design is appealing to the eyes, which makes them easy to wear outside of a workout. However, I have blisters on my toes from the way that the shoes end in a point in the middle. After a few miles, the laces start to loosen, which forces me to retie them, but it doesn't happen significantly often. While the heel support also doesn't cause any heel pain, the shoe is pretty loose around the ankle, which may be causing some pain in my lower legs. The grip is pretty strong and hasn't gotten overly worn. I have both compliments and criticisms for this shoe, but overall, it is mostly praise.
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