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第五週 • 週五


加六 15~16『受割禮不受割禮,都無關緊要,要緊的乃是作新造。凡照這準則而行的,願平安憐憫臨到他
 三 26      『因爲你們眾人藉着相信基督耶穌,都是神的兒子。』

    保羅在加拉太六章十六節的末了說,『就是臨到神的以色列。』『就是』在原文不是用作連接詞,而是作爲解釋,指明使徒認爲在基督裏許多單個的信徒,在團體一面乃是神的以色列。神的以色列即真以色列人(羅九 6 下,二 28~29,腓三 3),包括在基督裏所有外邦和猶太的信徒,他們是亞伯拉罕的真子孫(加三 7、29),是信仰之家的人(六 10)。









WEEK 5 — DAY 5

Morning Nourishment

Gal. 6:15-16 "For neither is circumcision anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creation is
                           what matters. And as many as walk by this rule, peace be upon them and mercy,
                           even upon the Israel of God."
               3:26 "For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus."

    Paul concludes Galatians 6:16 with the words,"even upon the Israel of God." The Greek word rendered"even" (kai) here is not connective but explicative,  indicating  that  the  apostle  considers  the  many  individual believers in Christ collectively the Israel of God. The Israel of God is the real Israel (Rom. 9:6; 2:28-29; Phil. 3:3), including all the Gentile and Jewish believers in Christ. These are the true sons of Abraham (Gal. 3:7, 29), the household of the faith (6:10).

    Those who walk by"this rule" are the true Israel, the Israel of God. In a way there is no difference between the nation of Israel and the secular world or the religious world. In the eyes of God, the nation of Israel is not the real Israel. We, the sons of God, are the true Israel, for we are God's household, His chosen people today. We may not be Israel outwardly, but we are Israel
inwardly. This is why we say that we, the believers in Christ, are the true Israel. The outward nation of Israel has little concern for God. However, we have a genuine concern for God and speak of Him continually. We are indeed the Israel of God. (Life-study of Galatians, p. 269)

Today's Reading

    We who believe in Christ Jesus...have a dual status. On the one hand, we are sons of God, members of the divine family. On the other hand, we are kings-to-be, those destined to be kings. Kingship is related to the Israel of God. We should be not only sons of God, but also the Israel of God. To be proper sons of God it is sufficient to have the fruit of the Spirit, such as those virtues listed in Galatians 5:22 and 23. But to be kings, the Israel of God, we need another kind of living, a particular kind of walk by the Spirit. We need both the living of sons of God and that of the Israel of God.

    Many Christians do not have the first kind of walk by the Spirit, much less the second. We thank the Lord that, by His mercy, many in the church life today do have the first kind of walk by the Spirit to live Christ. But now the Lord is calling us to go on to have the second walk by the Spirit, the second kind of living. This is the living not merely of sons in the divine family, but
of those who will be kings in God's kingdom. May our eyes be opened to see that we are kings in the royal family! Our destiny is not only to be sons of God; it is to be kings reigning in the kingdom of God.

    Do you live in a kingly way? If you live in this way, you will be kingly even when you laugh. If we see that Paul's word about the Israel of God implies that we need a kingly walk, the aspiration to live in a kingly way will be stirred up within us. We may even want to pray,"Lord, cause me to live and walk in a kingly way so that I may be qualified to be part of today's Israel of God."

    In a sense, the nation of Israel is the Israel of God and a testimony of God, even though many Israelites are rebellious and very sinful. However, the real Israel, the spiritual Israel, is the church. But because both the nation of Israel and the church are in a low condition, there is the need for the Lord to recover the real Israel of God. For such a recovery, we need two kinds of living, two kinds of walk. In the first walk we shall have such virtues as love, joy, peace, meekness, and longsuffering, all of which are the expression of the Christ who lives in us. We also need the second kind of walk so that we may be the Israel of God bearing God's kingship, representing Him with His authority, and executing His governmental administration.

    Whereas those Christians who truly desire to go on with the Lord usually care only for the first kind of walk and desire to be spiritual, holy, and victorious, we need to care also for the second kind of walk. In particular, we need to care for the church life...to become the Israel of God. (Life-study of Galatians, pp. 381-382)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Galatians, msgs. 30, 34, 36-37, 43

台長: Joshuachang
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