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第二週 ‧ 週四




    雖然創造是神的工作,但祂創造的憑藉是神的兒子(西一15~16,來一2 下),和神的話(十一3,約一1~3)。新約清楚告訴我們,神是藉着那是神的兒子和神的話的基督創造了宇宙。論到基督是創造的憑藉,歌羅西一章十六節說,『因為萬有,無論是在諸天之上的、在地上的、能看見的、不能看見的、或是有位的、主治的、執政的、掌權的,都是在祂裏面造的;萬有都是藉着祂並為着祂造的。』關於基督是話,約翰一章三節說,『萬物是藉着祂成的;凡已成的,沒有一樣不是藉着祂成的。』(新約總論第一冊,一七一至一七二頁)



    受造之物是藉話而成的。我喜歡約翰福音恢復本對一章三節的繙譯:『萬物是藉着祂成的;凡已成的,沒有一樣不是藉着祂成的。』萬物是藉着祂成的,沒有一樣不是藉着祂成的,這是甚麼意思?這乃是說,沒有一樣事物不是藉着祂存在二〇一三年夏季訓練 - 第2 篇 晨興聖言 - 第 8 頁 的。有一天,許多事物藉着話而成了。就某一方面看,我們可以說,神並沒有造出任何東西,因為祂不需要作任何事。祂只要說,『有』,萬物就都有了。照我們人的觀念,認為創造需要相當的勞力;然而在神的創造裏並沒有勞力,只有說話。…無神論者會說這是荒謬的,因為他們不信神。但是我們信祂。我們不只信神,也信那包羅





‹‹ WEEK 2 — DAY 4 ››

Morning Nourishment

John 1:3 "All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not one thing came into being
                  which has come into being."
Heb. 1:10 "And, “You in the beginning, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the
                  works of Your hands.”"

    Although creation was God's work, the means of His creation were the Son of God (Col. 1:15-16; Heb.
1:2b) and the Word of God (Heb. 11:3; John 1:1-3). The New Testament clearly tells us that God created
the universe through Christ as the Son of God and the Word of God. Speaking of Christ as the means of
creation, Colossians 1:16 says, “Because in Him all things were created, in the heavens and on the earth,
the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or lordships or rulers or authorities; all things have been
created through Him and unto Him.” Regarding Christ as the Word, John 1:3 says, “All things came into
being through Him, and apart from Him not one thing came into being which has come into being.” (The
Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 146)

Today's Reading

    Christ is the Creator. Since God is the Creator of all things and since Christ is God, He surely is also the Creator of all things. This is clearly revealed in Hebrews 1:10....This verse, a quotation from Psalm 102:25, is applied to Christ the Son and indicates that, as God, Christ created heaven and arth.Therefore, Christ is the Creator of the universe. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 269)

    The creation came into being through the Word. I like the way the Recovery Version of John renders
1:3. “All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not one thing came into being which
has come into being.” What does it mean that all things came into being through Him and that apart from Him nothing has come into being? It simply means that apart from Him nothing has existence. One
day, through the Word, so many things came into being. We may say that, in a sense, God did not make
anything, for there was no need for Him to do anything. He simply said, “Being,” and everything had
being. According to our human concept, creation requires a certain amount of labor. However, in God's
creation there was no labor, only speaking....An atheist would say that this is nonsense, because he does
not believe in God. But we believe in Him. We not only believe in God, but also in the all-inclusive Christ.
Through Him as the Word all things came into being.

    Creation is calling things not being as being through the Word. The Word is both the means and the
sphere. As long as you have the Word, you have the means and the sphere. Thus, you can say, “Because
I have the Word as the means and the sphere, things not being can come into being.” Learn to say, “Not
being as being through the Word.” No longer am I apart from the Word. I am in the Word and with the
Word. Hence, through the Word things not being come into being. (Life-study of John, pp. 21-23) We may not differentiate Christ as the Creator from Christ as the means of creation. Even we may interpret John 1:3 as meaning that the Word is the Creator of all things. However, this verse does not say that the Word was the Creator; instead, this verse says that through the Word all things came into being,
indicating that the Word was the means through which the Creator created all things. Christ is both the
Creator and the means by which all things were created.

    Although as God Christ is the Creator, John 1:3 reveals that as the Word He was the means of creation. According to this verse, all things came into existence through Christ. The King James Version of John 1:3 says, “All things were made by him.” However, this is not an accurate translation. The Greek preposition should be rendered “through” and not “by.” Hence, this verse does not say that all things
were created by Christ but that all things came into existence through Christ. This indicates that Christ is
the means of creation. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 270)

    Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 14, 25

台長: Joshuachang
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