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 第四週 ‧ 週五


路一 31~32『看哪,你將懷孕生子,要給祂起名叫耶穌。祂要為大,稱為至高者的兒子…。』

羅五 10『因為我們作仇敵的時候,且藉着神兒子的死得與神和好,既已和好,就更要在祂的生命裏得救








    為了拯救我們,祂這位神進到人裏面,將神的屬性帶到人的美德裏。當祂在地上時,過着神人的生活,有神聖屬性充滿着祂的人性美德。末了,祂死在十字架上,又復活了。祂在復活裏成了賜生命的靈(林前十五 45)。現今祂是賜生命的靈,進到我們裏面,將神帶到我們人裏面,以神的屬性充滿我們的美德。我們是這樣天天蒙拯救。我們是照着主復興、變化的作法蒙拯救(路加福音生命讀經,五八四至五八五、五七七至五七八、五八七頁)。


‹‹  WEEK 4 — DAY 5  ›› 

Morning Nourishment

Luke 1:31-32 "And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call
                            His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High..."

Rom. 5:10 "For if we, being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much
                        more we will be saved in His life, having been reconciled."

    God's purpose in creating man was that man would be His duplication in order to express Him. In order for this purpose to be carried out, it is necessary for man to receive God and contain Him as the tree of life. However, Adam, the man created by God, failed in God's purpose and damaged God's design.

    Thousands of years later, the Man-Savior came to fulfill God's purpose in creating man.
Through the incarnation of Christ, God in the Son became a man. What a great matter this is!
God had created man with a purpose according to His design, but man failed Him in His purpose and destroyed His design. Instead of creating another man, God Himself came to be the second Man (1 Cor. 15:47). God came to be the second Man not in the Father nor in the Spirit but in the Son. (Life-study of Luke, pp. 491-492)

Today's Reading

    A crucial matter concerning the God-man is that He lived a human life filled with the divine life as its content....[The Gospel of Luke] is a revelation of the God-man who lived a human life filled with the divine life as its content. As the One who lived such a life, the Man-Savior had the divine nature with the divine attributes, that is, with the divine love, light, righteousness, and holiness. The divine nature with its attributes was expressed in the Man-Savior's human nature with all the human virtues. (Life-study of Luke, p. 492)

    When we realize that we are God-men, we will say, “Lord, You are the first God-man, and we are the many God-men following You. You lived a human life, not by Your human life but by God's divine life to express Him. His attributes became Your virtues. You were here on this earth dying every day. You were crucified to live. Lord, You are my life today and You are my person. You are just me. I therefore must die. I need to be conformed to Your death. I have to be crucified to die every day to live a God-man's life, a human life yet not by my human life but by the divine life, with Your life and Your nature as my constitution to express You in Your divine attributes, which become my human virtues.” This makes us not just a Christian or a believer in Christ but a God-man, one kind with God. This is the highest point of God's gospel. (Life-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, pp. 27-28)

    The Man-Savior was incarnated in order to uplift the human virtues to the highest standard, to the standard that matches God's attributes for the expression of God. Because our virtues were damaged and deformed, they could not match God's attributes. But the uplifted human virtues can match God's attributes. The Man-Savior was born of the human essence with the human virtues in order to uplift these virtues to such a standard that they can match God's attributes for His expression.

    Christ fills the empty human virtues....We may not have the concept that Christ's incarnation was to fill, strengthen, and enrich the human virtues....The Man-Savior's incarnation caused the empty human virtues to be filled, strengthened, and enriched with the divine attributes.

    In order to save us, He, the very God, came into man, bringing God's attributes into man's virtues. While He was on earth, He lived the life of a God-man, with the divine attributes filling His human virtues. Eventually, He died on the cross and was resurrected. In His resurrection He became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45). Now as the life-giving Spirit He enters into us to bring God into our being and to fill our virtues with God's attributes. In this way we are being saved day by day. We are being saved in the way of the Lord's restoring, His transforming. (Life-study of Luke, pp. 505, 498-499, 507)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Luke, msgs. 56-59

台長: Joshuachang
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