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【推薦必選禮物】Hartan Pram Vip GTS 過年送禮推薦超人氣商品


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不然沒有Hartan Pram Vip GTS

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Hartan Pram Vip GTS 設計式樣: 617 · 2019

The perfect city companion - absolutely comfortable and super convenient at the same time.

Its light weight and easy storage ease your everyday life with a child considerably. Due to its innovative fold mechanism you can fold the Hartan VIP GTS easily and in no time at all.

Detachable, air chamber wheels with ball bearing guarantee a smooth run and the highest driving quality. The fancy rims in a trendy aluminium look are a real eye-catcher. The lockable single swivel wheels contribute to the pram's easy manoeuvrability and master even narrow corners and curves easily. Furthermore, the VIP GTS comes with an easy-to-use "Wippmatic" parking brake.

The telescopic push bar with perfect round Solight Ecco handle has been improved compared to its preceding model and now comes with an additional lock-in position - being equipped with an even bigger adjusting area of the push bar, the VIP GTS supplies all parents with optimum driving quality no matter their height.

When combined with Hartan's soft carrycot, multi-functional carrycot or fold carrycot (not included in delivery) you can use this trendy companion right from birth. Attaching an infant car seat is possible with the matching adaptors which are sold separately.

The optimised seat unit supplies your child with a heightened sitting position and a better view. Furthermore, the reversible seat unit that features a safety click system ensures a quick change of direction - this way, your child either faces mom and dad or else explores the world around. The adjustable backrest as well as the height-adjustable footrest supply your child with the best sitting and lying position.

The height-adjustable five-point harness of the VIP GTS protects your child from dropping out. The safety bar can be fully removed or else opened to the side.

A large, easy-to-reach mesh basket as well as a transparent rain cover are included in delivery.


  • Heightened sitting position

  • Small folded size, light in weight

  • Optimum manoeuvrability due to lockable single swivel wheels

  • Height-adjustable telescopic push bar

  • Perfect, round Solight Ecco handle

  • Parking brake "Wippmatic"

  • Five-point harness

  • Large canopy, soundlessly adjustable

  • Footrest that grows with your child

  • Backrest can be adjusted to full recline position

  • 團購人氣產品活動產品
  • Including transparent rain cover and mesh basket

  • Size folded: L 85 x W 61 x H 55 cm

  • Size unfolded: L 88 x W 61 x H 113 cm

  • Weight when used as pram: 13,9 kg

  • Weight when used as pushchair: 14,6 kg

  • Made in Germany




Hartan Pram Vip GTS





川普築牆心意決 白宮:將宣布進入緊急狀態



白宮發言人桑德斯(Sarah Sanders)表示,川普將宣布進入緊急狀態。川普政府先前就已暗示,川普可能動用宣布緊急狀態的權力,把國會已撥他用的預算挪來興築圍牆。


國會首席民主黨人立刻表示譴責。眾院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)被記者問道,是否會對川普宣布緊急狀態提出司法挑戰時表示:「可能會,那是個選項。」

參院首席民主黨人舒默團購人氣商品好康平台(Chuck Schumer)指控川普「嚴重濫用總統職權」。

與川普同為共和黨籍的參院多數黨領袖麥康奈(Mitch McConnell)則表示,會支持川普宣布緊急狀態。


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Hartan Pram Vip GTS

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台長: msmiu6m4gimw
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