今天幫大家比價的商品是Concord 推車套組 CAMINO Mobility – Set
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Concord CAMINO Mobility-Set 設計式樣: Cosmic Black · 2018
With the Concord CAMINO Travel-Set you are ready to go from the first day onwards. This
sporty all-round-buggy特價商品 with its special rear wheel suspension guarantees a calm and safe ride both on roads paved with asphalt or uneven terrain through the woods.
The travel-set also features a solid,
flexible and foldable Scout carrycot that offers your little one a secure and cosy place during long walks. Due to its small folding size it acts as an ideal companion for active and adventurous parents. Its unique central hinge allows the Concord Scout to be
folded effortlessly to a small size to fit in tight spaces.
Another item included in the multifunctional Concord set is the
Infant Car Seat Air.Safe. This
particularly lightweight infant car seat provides your little one with optimum safety while traveling by car and can be attached to the Camino pushchair single-handedly. This way you are ready to go either for a walk in the park or for a stroll through town.
An additional feature of the buggy is its adjustable, water-resistant and washable sun canopy made of high-quality, 3D-stretch fabric (including UV protection 50+). Together with the matching
sunshade and universal rain cover you can go out and about to explore the world whatever the weather. The spacious shopping basket of the Concord Buggy offers enough space to store a diaper bag and small purchases. In order transport the buggy you can easily
fold it to a small size, even including its seat unit.
產品送禮酒推薦Product details Concord CAMINO Buggy:
- All-round-buggy suitable on all terrain
- solid, foam filled wheels
- all wheels are damped in order for perfect riding comfort
- high-quality aluminium frame in a mountain-bike-design
- spacious sport seat with high back part
- seat is adjustable to both forward and rear-facing mode
- large sun canopy with additional sun shade
- wheel reflectors on all four wheels
- including rain cover (also suitable for Sleeper 2.0, Scout or Snug)
- buggy including its seat unit can be folded
- Size folded: L 69 x W 50 x H 39 cm
- Size open: L 104 x W 60 x H 107 cm
- Weight: 13,5 kg
Product details Scout Carrycot:
- Suitable from birth onwards
- Central hinge that ensures easy folding
- Attachment via integrated travel-system-adapter
- Bottom is both solid and flexible
- Soft-padded covers
- Size open: L 84 x W 45 x H 56 cm
- Size folded: L 48 x W 44 x H 27 cm
- Weight: 4,7 kg
Product details Concord Air.Safe Infant Car Seat:
- Suitable from birth up to 18 months
- Can be installed with car's own three-point-belt
- Can also be attached to the Concord Isofix-Base AIRFIX
比價撿便宜網路熱銷- Extremely light in weight
- Height-adjustable head rest, harness system adjusts accordingly
- Infant seat insert, usable on both sides
- Weight: 2,9kg
商品訊息特點↓↓↓限量特惠的優惠按鈕↓↓↓網購達人限定商品Concord 推車套組 CAMINO Mobility – Set
MLB》基特、波沙達二度合作 老戰友將成馬林魚特別顧問
昔日的紐約洋基F4兩大將基特(Derek Jeter)、波沙達(Jorge Posada),如今在邁阿密馬林魚同台演出,這次不同於以往的球員身分,是以幕後決策者之姿相遇,根據近期的消息,這位馬林魚老闆將邀請昔日的鐵捕夥伴做球隊的特別顧問。
說起洋基與馬林魚的淵源,要回溯到2003年,當時在世界大賽冠軍戰中,波沙達在9局下半兩出局的情況下,和馬林魚投手貝基特(Josh Beckett)對陣,最終波沙達擊出一壘方向滾地球,遭到貝基特觸殺出局,系列戰馬林魚以系列戰4比2的成績,拿下隊史第二座世界大賽冠軍,殊不知之後再也沒有進入季後賽過。
基特貴為馬林魚老闆,特別愛用跟洋基有關的人,像是總教練為馬丁利(Don Mattingly)、球員發展部副總裁丹波(Gary Denbo)、球員人事總監格林利(Dan Greenlee)、球探總監什維赫利克(DJ Svihlik)和現在的波沙達。
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Concord 推車套組 CAMINO Mobility – Set
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