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2004-01-21 23:44:40| 人氣13| 回應0 | 下一篇

Monkey year ^^

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new year, look forward! DUN LOOK BACK ANYMOReee!! wish all the bad things have gone away from me and DREAMS come true la! haha ^^ do whatever I want to do, say whatever I want to say! ..yeah dat's my plan for this year....

and wish luch for all of my friends tooo.. u know who u r..... hahahahaha ^^

stephy: be happy ar, u know i m always here, never go anywhere without you! u r important to me, u know???........ kick you, dun move!! ^^

bun bun bun: goood luck + work hard d!! ... without you, my world wouldn't be da much fun!! be a super Star! thank you~~

mandy: errrrrrrrrr............. 心想事成!! be a good Beautician!! u have to do my makeUp in my wedding ga.... chi ng chi???? hahaha ^^...

JolaaVVV : hahah ^^ big girl.. keep FLYING, dun stop! i wish to c u happy all the time.. ^^

winniee: hahahahahah ^^ ...... winnie + emily = low b!!!

rach: thank you very much for the past year! u have been a great help!! love u, i really do.... ^^ work hard together.... KINGSS...we r coming!

chin chin: happpy + be confident! U R ALWAYS DOING WELL, u know?? dun let anyone look down on u....... we r alway SUPPORTing u!!

andy tsang: haha^^ how many years do i know u now??? at least 12 years!! wooooooo friendship forever!! quick quick marry with kawn...and entry FOOD industry!!...

kevin ng: .. i know i m fat, but i won't keep fit... coz my name is Queen Emilyeeeeee.. hahahah ^^ love u.... i will always remember our CONVERSATIONS.... hahaha ^^ errrr...""

eric tang: u r always the one........ ^^ good luck for everything!

zoieeee: happy + happy+ happy ar!! dun thin tooo much about the past..they are only MEMEROIES!! ... chi ng chi????? look forward....

wilson wong: finally met u again in x'mas holidays!! hahaha ^^ i think u have changed, but it is a good change! yeah work hard together!!

ben: hahah ^^ don't really know u b4 this x'mas! but.... hahahahah ^^ u r such a nice guy! ... keep in touch plssss... ^^ and goood luck for unis.... c u soon!!

scatman JOHN: surprice to c your name here??? hahah ^^ just want to say thank you "baby"!! ...... ....

TOOOOOO MANY GOOOD FDS......... ^^ there are more people i want to say thank you......( eg, himhim, JoE, sumsum, henry chan, ryan, ali, mr. show off , terry..etc!! sorry, if i forgot you....)
anyway wish u alll happy.....
and wish my family well tooo..... my little brother longooo.. my pretty mama and my fatfat daddy!! thank you so much! i know i am not a good daughter, but i will try more this year! forgive me ^^ ...

meme... uk

台長: MM QueeN
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