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2004-12-26 14:15:51| 人氣213| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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P: Why cut yr hair so short ah?
H: Ummm...juz in the mood~

E: Why ask this kind of question?
H: Ummm...juz wanna ask...

J: why u use the MSN name as ... what is said here?
H: Ummmm...coz i am a loser...

W: why not go to expro?
H: Ummmm...sigh...

K: Why you don’t have a boyfriend?
H: Ummm...don’t ask me why...

A: Why didn’t come to the party?
H: Ummm...i’m too ill to go out...sorry

H: why there’re so many WHYs n i really donno how to answer...??!
?: Ummm....Ask yourself...

台長: missypy
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 和自己對話 |

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