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2005-07-07 21:17:12| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Career path

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A bit bored with what I'm currently doing now.. For the whole day I was searching on market research report online for our business proposal..

Business development is something that is very business oriented.. I think maybe I should do some hands-on to gain some valuable experience and cumulate more knowledge and insights on this industry before I go into business development.

So the first thing I should do is to go to warehouses and learn to do different jobs and know more about operation problems for the next a few months. This will also prepare myself for implementations. I guess I may spend two years doing implementation. The good part is that I can go back to China or other places if implementation requires. But implementation is project based. Once a project closes, I may have nothing to do.. Maybe I can try to do account management or supply chain solution design.. In third year I can try to do business development. After that, I think it must be a good idea to leave the company and look for better opportunities. Maybe I will go back to China..

台長: misswenren
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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