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2006-09-30 00:10:04| 人氣24| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

When is my ’point’ ?

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This evening we talked of something that hooks you and pulls out all your passion. Mine point hasn’t come yet.I mentioned Dad took to many exhibitions of calligraphy, photography, clay, paining, etc. This developed my interest in art. I like to appreciate beautiful things. In fact, when I was a child, I dreamed a lot. When I watch TV series or movie, I dreamed to be an actress. When I listened to radio, I dream to be a DJ. When my performance at school was usually the top in class, I dreamed to be many prefessions in the future. It includes a singer, a teacher, a doctor, an anchor and a hair designer. Childhood is the period to dream. As I grow up, I should realize those dreams. However, I feel that can’t be decided by me totally. I have to consider Mom and Dad’s opinion. But sometimes I think I just worry about their feelings too much to do everything I want confidently. At that time when I though Dad, I feel like going to burst out crying. Do I miss home? I still fudge on going home for the Lantern Festival. If I stay here, it must be very lonely, I guess.

台長: Ponder
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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