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2016-04-11 00:59:24| 人氣266| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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這是Jordan Schaeffer本來的樣子。

但3月14日,他走出邁阿密海灘(Miami Beach)一家漢堡王餐廳後,就變成這樣了。
Schaeffer跟他男友Eric Danko在邁阿密海灘度假,某天深夜,他們走進一家漢堡王。


This is what Jordan Schaeffer looked like before he walked into a Burger King in Miami Beach on March 14th.

This, is what he looked like after walking out.
Schaeffer and his boyfriend, Eric Danko, were vacationing in Miami Beach when they stopped in at a Whopper Bar late one night.
Inside the restaurant, the couple exchanged a kiss among a crowd of people.
Schaeffer says that’s when one well-intoxicated man took exception to their public display of affection, calling them faggots and yelling other profanities at them.
Before they knew what was happening, the drunk man suddenly attacked Schaeffer, grabbing him by the waist, and body slamming him to the ground.
As Schaeffer tried to defend himself, his assailant wrapped his legs around Schaeffer’s neck in an MMA-style submission hold.
The incident was caught on this security camera. In the grainy video, you can see the takedown happen, as bystanders look on.
The two tangle on the ground for roughly a minute, but as Schaeffer’s boyfriend and others try to step in to break up the fight, this man in white prevents them from doing so, shoving them away.
The fight ended with the yet-to-be identified attacker and his accomplice storming out of the Burger King, and Jordan Schaeffer getting checked out in the emergency room.
Back home in Los Angeles, the 25-year-old says it’s not his busted lip or swollen face that hurt that most, but the emotional trauma he’s experiencing as a result of the attack.
Police are asking for the public’s help as they try to track down the man who did this to him.

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