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【2012/06/22】Panel Discussion 討論-出櫃:中美家庭經驗分享 。

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Panel Discussion 討論會出櫃:中美家庭經驗分享
Coming Out: Experiences of Families in China and the US

時間:星期五6月22日14:00-17:00   Time: Friday June 22nd, 2pm-5 pm

地點:美領館新聞文化處活動室 – 南京西路1376號上海商城東峰540室近西康路

Venue: US Consulate General Shanghai Public Affairs Section – Rm540, Shanghai Center East Office Tower, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu near Xikang Lu

Free Entrance 免費入場 

需預訂RSVP: shanghaipride@gmail.com



主辦機構:上海驕傲節 愛上LGBT  美領館新聞文化處活動室


Guests: Lao Ou (Convener of PFLAG Beijing, Independent Author)
Xingxing Mama (Mother of a gay man)
Zhu Xueqin(Researcher in Gender Studies)

Organizers: ShanghaiPRIDE, AIBAI Shanghai, US Consulate General Shanghai Public Affairs Section

Co-organizer: PFLAG

語言:中文+英語     Language: Chinese + English


活動內容/ Event Details:
Part I: (About 80 mins)

放映講述不同族裔和宗教背景同志家庭訪談的美國紀錄片《Anyone and Everyone》。來自美領館新聞文化處的嘉賓將介紹美國的相關情況。

This panel discussion will start with a US film 「Anyone and Everyone」. In this documentary, people of different races and different religions will share their experiences. The guest from US Consulate General Shanghai Public Affairs Section will also give an introduction about the related conditions in the US.

Part II: Guests Speaking (About 55 mins)

Lao Ou is the Convener of PFLAG Beijing. Her book My Gay Kids, which should be My Comrade Kids if translated literally, is allegedly the first book ever to publicly use the 「Other meaning」 of the word 「Comrade」 in the title. The book, in which Lao Ou tells about the life stories of her gay friends, was launched in mainland last year, and will be launched in Taiwan this June.


Lao Ou has participated in all kinds of activities in the gay community and she has been advocating for this community. This time, she will bring us a video of the 7th anniversary of Xingxing and his boyfriend, who have been in love and live happily together. Lao Ou and Xingxing Mama will share the stories of this happy couple.


Zhu Xueqin has been paying close attention to the sexual minority groups. She will give a speech with the topic 「The Pride of Gay Culture」.

第三部分: 自由交流(約40分鐘)
Part III: (About 40 mins)


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