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2003-09-25 01:08:54| 人氣84| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

活著不求人#2 之 Why Bother?

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I really feel so sad. It's not the first time. You never know what you have said to them is a kind of attack to them. You never know which words you said to them is not the words they want to hear. Just, they do a thing to you, and explain everything, that is, silence. No more conversation, no more response. It seems suddenly this person is not in the world now, or you are not in his world anymore, while five minutes ago he told you that you are his sweet friends. How sweet is it? Four bitter experiences. Happened almost in the same month. I asked myself, why I need to care about them? If they are not going to treat you as a human and care about what you think, if they are not going to spare time to understand more your personality before judging you by common moral standards, if they just want to escape something that they dun want to face, if they just dunno how to appreciate you, WHY BOTHER?

台長: 米餅
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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