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Tuesday Jun 27 01:00 AEST Referee Luis Medina Cantalejo had no hesitation in calling for a penalty shot, leaving Italy’s Francesco Totti to do the rest. (Picture: AP Photo/Emilio......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-06-27 15:07 | 人氣:214 | 回應:0
Tuesday Jun 27 03:53 AEST Goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer dives in vain as the match winning penalty flies into the net. Australia’s World Cup dream is over, and Italy will progress in......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-06-27 14:58 | 人氣:227 | 回應:0
Tuesday Jun 27 07:11 AEST Coach Guus Hiddink disputed Italy’s last gasp penalty which killed Australia’s World Cup dream in a cruel 1-0 loss overnight. Substitute Frances......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-06-27 14:55 | 人氣:201 | 回應:0
...The moment that Australian sport won’t forget as Harry Kewell’s goal hits the net and pushes Australia into the next round of the World Cup (Getty Images) 記者黃麗華 袋鼠國......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-06-23 19:31 | 人氣:17 | 回應:0
對澳洲人來說,有日本、克羅埃西亞、巴西的F組才是「死亡之組」(圖為6月19日澳洲對巴西之戰) 穿著綠色與金黃色衣服的澳洲人,今天睡眼惺忪地在家鄉為澳洲隊加油,雖然 失望,但並未對澳洲......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-06-20 11:31 | 人氣:7 | 回應:0
...Guus Hiddink speaks to his players during a water break about how they can recover in the second half (Picture: Getty Images) 編譯陳宜君/綜合報導(2006/06/13) 澳洲隊12日......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-06-13 21:02 | 人氣:216 | 回應:1
※ This is Australia’s Dutch coach, Guus Hiddink ※ June 13, 2006 (AAP) AUSTRALIA has won its first World Cup match 3-1 against Japan’s ’Blue Samurais’ with an extra-ti......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-06-12 23:33 | 人氣:227 | 回應:1
...* 編譯林滄陳/綜合外電報導 澳洲隊16日在雪梨82698名地主球迷的加油助威下,門將史瓦澤漂亮的守門,使他們於PK大戰4:2獲勝,擊退南美傳統勁旅烏拉圭隊,取得2006年德國世足賽的參賽資格......(詳全文)
發表時間:2005-11-17 06:14 | 人氣:188 | 回應:0

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