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【熱銷商品】Hartan Pram Vip GTX 省荷包網購人氣產品

這幾天小光來我家玩,看到Hartan Pram Vip GTX


急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買Hartan Pram Vip GTX


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Hartan Pram Vip GTX










Hartan Pram Vip GTX 設計式樣: 649 · 2019

A combination of a plain but elegant aluminium chassis and the new, super-light GTX seat unit contributes to the VIP GTX' low deadweight. Due to its innovative fold mechanism you can fold the VIP GTX easily and in no time at all.

The new, black design of the rims with colour inset in matt silver make the future-oriented trendy look of Hartan's VIP GTX complete. Premium Solight Ecco air chamber wheels that come without inner tube and valve guarantee a smooth run on almost any the terrain. The VIP GTX' particularly flexible chassis masters even narrow corners and curves easily.

When combined with a plain but elegant fold carrycot (not included in delivery) you can use the VIP GTX right from birth. Attaching an infant car seat is possible with the matching adaptors which are sold separately. Central operating elements ensure that the seat unit can be reversed easily so that your little one is supplied with another direction of view quickly.

The telescopic push bar with perfect round Solight Ecco handle has been improved compared to its preceding model and now comes with an additional lock-in position - being equipped with an even bigger adjusting area of the push bar, the VIP GTX supplies all parents with optimum driving quality no matter their height.

The comfortable GTX seat unit offers your child a cosy spot to enjoy any ride to the fullest. A height-adjustable five-point harness protects your little one from dropping out. The large canopy with climate zone, foldout sun shade and UV-protection keeps away sun, wind and weather.

Both foot section and ergonomic push bar can be adjusted in height. In order to guarantee the highest sitting and lying comfort for your child, you can easily adjust the seat unit in multiple ways.

A large and easy-to-reach mesh basket as well as a transparent rain cover are included in delivery.


  • Extremely lightweight and trendy aluminium chassis

  • Compact folded size

  • Modern and stylish seat unit

  • 便宜團購省錢達人
  • Adjustable foot section

  • Canopy with climate zone and foldout sun shade

  • Solight Ecco air chamber wheels

  • Black rims with design inset in matte silver

  • Including large, easy-to-reach mesh basket and transparent rain cover

  • Five-point harness

  • Adjustable backrest

  • Ergonomic, height-adjustable push bar

  • Size folded: L 80 x W 61 x H 40 cm

  • Size unfolded: L 94 x W 61 x H 113 cm

  • Weight when used as pram: 12,6 cm

  • Weight when used as pushchair: 12,3 cm

  • Made in Germany




Hartan Pram Vip GTX








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台北市 / 陳詩雅 徐弋桓 報導





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