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博客來e-coupon Analysis for Financial Management(11版)

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Analysis for Financial Management(11版)

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Analysis for Financial Management(11版) 這本書真的太讚了,你一定要買回來看!!(讚啦......)




Analysis for Financial Management(11版) 是我在博客來網路書店買的,商品網址如下: 博客來網路書店



●Maintains a heavy reliance on presenting the practical implications of modern concepts, such as market efficiency, beta risk, and market signaling.

●Data on realized returns on securities, industry ratios, median rations by S&P rating category, etc. is incorporated throughout.

●Chapter 4, Managing 博客來e-couponGrowth, takes time to explain decisions around growth strategies, and especially about sustainable growth.

●Significant international examples are dispersed throughout the text and embedded in selected appendices, including Appendix 2A, “International Differences in Capital Structure.”

●There is special emphasis on the importance of business strategy for company financing choices and on the irrelevance proposition as a foundation for capital structure decisions.

●End-of-chapter material includes Excel problems, recommended websites, and references to additional material.

