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【新書推薦】Economic Feasibility of Projects-Managerial and Engine

Economic Feasibility of Projects-Managerial and Engineering Practive

商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/mmq4i900/products/0010239760



This is a textbook for engineering and management/business undergraduates and postgraduate students and a reference for practicing engineers or manag辦公收納ers who are familiar with their projects but less familiar with financial/economic analysis methods. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 covers all the basic concepts and theories and provides the readers with a good understanding of the financial and economic analysis on the feasibility of projects. Plenty of examples are used to illustrate the theories, arguments and calculations. Part 2 consists of case studies on both financial and economic feasibility studies. Readers should be able to conduct their own financial and economic analyses by following the procedures and methodo-logy of the examples given.In this new edition, the chapters have been revised and expanded with the latest theories and data added, especially the most up-dated information on the development of the theories of internal rate of return and net present worth.


  • 作者: By S.L. Tang/著
  • 出版社:香港中文大學
  • 辦公收納櫃
  • 出版日期:2003/08/30
  • 語言:繁體中文

Economic Feasibility of Projects-Managerial and Engineering Practive

商品網址: 辦公收納箱http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/mmq4i900/products/00102397601968C63064E1A1BC

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