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2004-07-11 23:52:51| 人氣18| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

TT's Cheese Cake

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4 egg (separate yolk and others)
70 g flour (make minute well)
120 g sugar (if you prefer, use vanilla sugar)
225 g cream cheese
130 g whip cream
15 g lemon juice

For 21 cm baking container.

Pre-heat 170-180 C.
Blend egg white till pale. Add 80g sugar and blend well till
In other container, stir cream cheese till soft. Add rest of sugar twice
and blend well. Add yolks individually and blend well. Mix whip cream
and lemon juice. Add flour twice and blend slightly and gently. Add 1/3
of (1) and blend well, and mix gently rest of (1).
Put water bowl in the oven to avoid overbaking (be careful about lacking of water). Bake 40 min without cover of the container till becoming
brown on the top of the cake, and bake 20 min with cover.
Topping syrup or jam with brandy or whisky.

台長: Mat
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