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2005-07-06 16:03:56| 人氣79| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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*1. What kind of traits does an organization is leader need?

1. Listener.

2. Unity-criticism-unity.

3. Genuine.

4. Self-confident..

* 2.Do you possess the traits mentioned above?Why?

1. Listener.

A good leader is a good listener as well. If you never heed and take

other people’s opinions, never comprehend the ideas of the person

leaded by you and just do anything in the sight of your own opinions,

it’s sorry to say but you are a ruler, not a leader. The most

important for a listener to do is to listen attentively with compassion

to other people. He must hold back his own sentiments and judgment

temporarily to realize others’. A leader will not try to mend, solve

other people’s problems or comment on it to show agreement or

disagreement when they listen attentively to anything of anybody. When

our words should be listened by other people, the opinions of leaders

are not important; oppositely, a leader will provide chances for other

people to speak out and realize the spiritual relationship between the

standpoints of himself and other people. There is still a reason, when

you listen to one person about one thing or a matter carefully, you

will find out that ” Others always know more than I do. What I have to

do is spend enough time to listen, find out, and make use of what other

people know better than me.” I think that leaning via listening is the

foundation of finding out value. This is also the first quality a

leader should be equipped.

2. Unity-criticism-unity.

A very common problem: There are someone always eager to be a leader,

but what a pity is that they often forget if there is no unity of the

people who leaded by him, their ability will not be obvious and seen.

Michael Jordan once said that whether win a basketball game can depend

on individual ability and skills, but whether win the championship

relies on cooperation and information of the whole group. Right! Maybe

your abilities out shine anybody’s around you, but that is just a

temporary achievement. People should not set himself in the center of

everything. Not yet do you see other people’s ability around you,

there is no yours in others’ eyes. Then how can you lead your group?

Please use the same point of view to understand other people. A leader

is not in a prominent position, just like the president is the “public

servant” of the people. A president can carry out a construction not

just depends on himself. Without the cooperation and discussion of the

whole Cabinet, where comes the program? With the program but the

practice and hard work of other people, how can the whole plane be done?


Sincerity makes the lowly more valuable than the most talented

hypocrites. The most priceless between one person and another is

sincerity. Have you ever been sincere toward every thing around you?

It’s believed that everybody can not give an answer definitely!A

person who can lead the multitudes is believed to be talented to a

level. But whether he or she has the heart with sincerity is difficult

to ascertain. Own sincerity can arouse the ones of others. Lead is not

just the activities you see, as long as you lead the heart of the other

people, the whole program is half done. This is what a leader should

pay attention to!

4. Self-confident.

You have to believe in yourself. That is the secret of success. The man

who has made up his mind to win will never say ”impossible”. When you

can’t believe in yourself, who will believe you? Some people always

make his talents restricted, draw a small place and jump in, never get

out again. But they never think about it: They can try another way to

get out but just want to “walk out “! “Jump”! The biggest enemy

to a person is himself, it’s important for him to overcome his

spiritual obstacles. Just try and look at everything being different

when you are self-confident.

台長: 小克就是小克
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